例句 |
The students had a good grasp of decimals, percentages and fractions.学生们对小数、百分数、分数掌握得不错。There's just no sense haggling about that low a price.对区区小数讨价还价太没有意思了。The program costs $20 million a year, small change by Washington standards.该计划每年耗资两千万美元,按华盛顿的标准只是区区小数。Express three-quarters as a decimal.用小数来表示四分之三。Can you read decimals/music/Braille?你能认小数/乐谱/盲文吗?In terms of cash outlay, the sum is peanuts.从花费来看,这笔钱乃区区小数。We needed to do decimals to round up and round down numbers.我们得把小数四舍五入成整数。The students had a grasp of decimals, percentages and fractions.学生们掌握了小数、百分数和分数。But this was peanuts compared to the wealth that my father amassed.不过,与我父亲敛聚的财富相比,这是区区小数。 |