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词汇 小宝宝
例句 He emerged, holding a baby aloft.他高举着一个小宝宝出现了。The baby has tipped over her milk.小宝宝把牛奶打翻了。You were such a cute baby!那时候你真是个逗人爱的小宝宝Your baby's heartbeat will be monitored continuously.你的小宝宝将接受持续的心跳监测。It is uncommon for small babies to sleep more than four hours without waking.小宝宝连睡四小时以上而不醒并不寻常。The baby is starting to teethe.小宝宝就要开始长牙了。The baby spat up his breakfast.小宝宝把早饭都吐出来了。Barbara held the tiny baby close and caressed his cheek.芭芭拉把小宝宝抱近了并抚摸他的脸颊。She gets all sappy when she is around babies.她和小宝宝们在一起时,就变得很愚蠢。The baby kicked with pleasure.小宝宝高兴地两腿乱蹬。He took an interest in the growing baby even before it was born.小宝宝出生之前,他就对这个孕育中的孩子产生了兴趣。She was holding the baby, and grinning from ear to ear.她抱着小宝宝,笑得合不拢嘴。You can't expect a baby to fit in with your existing routine.不能指望小宝宝来适应你原有的生活规律。She used to take care of me when I was a baby.我还是个小宝宝时她照顾过我。The baby is just learning to crawl.小宝宝刚刚开始学爬。You must be thrilled about the new baby.有了小宝宝,你肯定很兴奋吧。At this age, babies do not yet combine sounds into a meaningful whole.在这个年龄,小宝宝能发出一些音,但还不会将声音片段连成具有完整意义的话。Her tiny baby was fighting for its life.她的小宝宝正在与死亡抗争。The baby had been viciously battered to death.这个小宝宝被残忍地殴打致死。The baby was crawling awkwardly on her hands and knees.这个小宝宝正用她的四肢笨拙地爬行。We went upstairs to have a peep at the new baby.我们上楼去看了一眼刚出生的小宝宝New fathers often feel left out when baby arrives.有了小宝宝以后,初为人父者往往有一种被冷落的感觉。What a cute baby!多可爱的小宝宝啊!The baby's a pretty little thing.小宝宝是个漂亮的小东西。He plucked the baby out of my arms and ran off down the street.他从我怀中抢过小宝宝,沿着大街跑了。He tiptoed out of the room, trying not to wake the baby.他踮着脚走出房间,尽量不吵醒小宝宝Parents learn ways to talk to and carry a baby to get it to stop crying.家长学会如何与小宝宝说说话、抱抱他,让他不哭。She smiled dotingly at the baby.她宠爱地朝着小宝宝微笑。The baby sleeps in the room next to his parents.小宝宝睡在紧挨着父母房间的屋子里。Could you help me out by looking after the baby for a while?你能帮我照看一下小宝宝吗?The baby wore an adorable little dress with puffed sleeves. 小宝宝穿了一件非常可爱的带有泡泡袖的小连衣裙。His baby brother is really cute.他的小宝宝弟弟真的非常可爱。They have a brand-new baby.他们的小宝宝刚出生。Kids need help to adjust to having a new baby in the house.家里新添了小宝宝,孩子们需要有人帮助才能适应。The baby rocked to and fro in the swing.小宝宝在秋千上荡来荡去。Seeing tiny babies always makes me feel broody.看见小宝宝总是让我觉得自己也想生一个。She hopes to be hearing the patter of tiny feet very soon.她期盼着不久会有个小宝宝Your baby's just cutting his first teeth.你的小宝宝正在开始出牙。The babies splashed around at the shallow end of the pool.小宝宝们在水池浅的那一端戏水。I'm sending mother an enlargement of the baby's photo.我给母亲寄张小宝宝的放大的照片。




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