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词汇 小声
例句 Walsh muttered something under his breath.沃尔什小声嘟囔了一句。They shake their heads and mutter darkly.他们一边摇头,一边阴沉地小声嘀咕。He mumbled a few words.小声咕哝了一句。His mother leaned forward and spoke to him in urgent undertones.他母亲身子前倾,小声而急切地跟他说话。She gave a little chuckle.小声地笑了笑。You don't have to whisper - there's no one around.你不需要小声地说—这里没有人。She was staring into the fire muttering.她目不转睛地盯着火苗,小声咕哝着。She read (the poem) slowly and quietly.小声地慢慢读(这首诗)。He gave his opinion sotto voce.小声地给出了自己的观点。She gave a little nervous laugh and glanced towards Robyn.她紧张地小声笑了一下,然后看看罗宾。The girls exchanged whispered confidences.女孩们小声地互诉知心话。She murmured her thanks.小声地表示了感谢。He sat there shaking his head, muttering to himself.他坐在那儿摇着头,小声地自言自语。They had to communicate through signs and grunts.他们不得不通过打手势和小声嘟囔沟通。He began to howl and diminuendoed down to a mutter.他始而大喊大叫,后来把声音渐渐放低,变成小声咕哝了。She scowled darkly and muttered something under her breath.她阴沉着脸,小声嘟囔着什么。The suggestion was greeted with a murmur of assent.这个建议只有人小声表示同意。His voice died away in a whisper.他的声音渐渐变为了小声低语。He usually prefaced his remarks with a dry little cough.他开始讲话前通常要小声地干咳一下。The shy girl murmured her thanks.那怕羞的姑娘小声道谢。He was whispering rude remarks about her under his breath.他正小声嘀咕着骂她。Fran leant over and whispered something in her sister's ear.弗兰弯下身子,贴着她妹妹的耳朵小声地说着什么。They conversed quietly in the corner of the room.他们在房间角落里小声交谈。They murmured in agreement.他们小声表示同意了。Please keep your voice down. 说话请小声一点。Frances murmured an apology as she left.弗朗西丝离开的时候很小声地道了歉。He could hear the low mumble of Navarro's voice.他能听到纳瓦罗在小声咕哝。He went down the bar to a group of Mexicans and talked to them in a low voice.他走到酒吧里的一群墨西哥人那里,跟他们小声交谈起来。What a yap he was, he did not know how to whisper.他真是个粗汉,他不会小声地说话。He could not even bring a mutter from his dry mouth.他口干唇燥,连一句小声的话也讲不出来。




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