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例句 A host of problems may delay the opening of the Channel Tunnel.可能推迟英吉利海峡隧道开通的问题一大筐。There will be exclusive coverage of the championship on Channel 5.第五频道将独家报道这项锦标赛。He was a construction worker on the Channel Tunnel.他是修建英法海底隧道的一名建筑工人。His success projected him onto Channel 4's comedy series 'Packet of Three.'他的成功让自己加入到第四频道的系列喜剧《三人秀》中。The Channel Islands are a favourite summer haunt for UK and French yachtsmen alike.海峡群岛是英国和法国的帆船运动爱好者夏日最爱去的地方。The flotillas ranged up and down the Channel.小舰队在英吉利海峡游弋。The Channel Tunnel has linked Britain with mainland Europe for the first time.英吉利海底隧道首次把英国和欧洲大陆连接起来。The Channel Tunnel was an excellent public-private partnership.海峡隧道是公私合作的杰出项目。Channel 4 arrived and somehow created a different role for television.第四频道开播了,它在某种程度上为电视创造了一个不同的角色。We took a ferryboat across the English Channel to France.我们乘渡轮穿过英吉利海峡到了法国。His attempt to cross the English Channel was a one-shot, but he tried the Thames more than once.横渡英吉利海峡他只尝试过一次,而横渡泰晤士河则不止一次。She was the first woman to swim the Channel.她是第一个游过英吉利海峡的女性。France lies across the Channel.法国在英吉利海峡的那一边。England is ~d from France by the Channel.英法两国由英吉利海峡隔开。Still to come on Channel West, another of our special reports from Florida.请继续收看西部频道,下面是来自佛罗里达的特别报道。They were trolling the colder waters of the Channel.他们在海峡的寒冷水域采用曳绳钓鱼。High tides in the North Sea were funnelled down into the English Channel by a storm.一场风暴使北海高涨的潮水向南涌进英吉利海峡。Le Shuttle competes with an ever-rising number of ferries for the busy Channel crossing.海峡隧道与越来越多的渡船竞争繁忙的横渡英吉利海峡的生意。A big rescue operation has been launched for a trawler missing in the English Channel.为寻找在英吉利海峡失踪的一艘拖网渔船,人们展开了一场大规模的搜救行动。Ten British and French companies combined to form the Channel Tunnel Group.十家英国和法国公司联合起来组成了海峡隧道集团。Channel 4 is running a series on the unfairness of the legal system.第四频道正在播出揭露法律体系不公正之处的系列节目。Dieppe has plenty to attract cross-Channel visitors.迪耶普有很多浏览胜地,吸引游客横渡英吉利海峡前来观光。Channel 4's overseas buyers have foreseen the audience demand with their usual perspicacity.四频道的海外收购者以其惯有的洞察力预见到了观众的需求。He was helping wire up the Channel Tunnel last season.他上一季在协助英吉利海峡隧道的电缆铺设工作。Such popular programmes will go on being broadcast on Channel 3 - for now.这么受欢迎的节目暂时将继续在第三频道播出。The final episode will be shown on Channel 4 tonight.最后一集将于今晚在第四频道播出。During the war there was only a skeleton train service between London and the Channel ports.战争期间每天只有最起码的几班火车往返于伦敦和英吉利海峡港口之间。Joe Garagiola will provide the commentary tonight on Channel 7.乔·加乔拉今晚将在七频道作实况解说。We're going to have a day-trip across the Channel.我们将进行一次横渡英吉利海峡的一日游。This train connects with the cross-Channel ferry at Dover.这列火车在多佛尔和跨海渡船相接。Please tune the television set to Channel 5.请将电视机调到第五频道。There will be a special on Channel 8 tonight.今晚第八频道有电视特别节目。A lone RAF plane crossed the Channel, then circled the field once.一架皇家空军飞机单独飞越英吉利海峡后在阵地上盘旋了一圈。The French constructed a series of fortresses from Dunkirk on the Channel coast to Douai.法国人在英吉利海峡沿岸的敦克尔刻到杜埃修筑了一系列要塞。Who was the first person to swim the English Channel?游过英吉利海峡的第一人是谁?I used to be with the BBC, but then I got the chance of being a producer for Channel Four.我过去为英国广播公司工作,后来得到机会当了第四频道的制作人。Tonight on Channel 4, young people will be discussing their experiences of racism.今晚四频道将有年轻人一起讨论他们在种族歧视方面的经历。The Channel Tunnel project is the biggest civil engineering project in Europe.英吉利海峡隧道是欧洲最大的土木工程。Highlights of the game will be shown on Channel 5.这场比赛的精彩镜头将在第五频道播出。The Channel Islands are a favourite summer haunt for UK and French yachtsmen alike.夏天,英国和法国的游艇爱好者都喜欢在英吉利海峡群岛出没。




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