例句 |
He sipped his drink decorously.他很有风度地小口喝着饮料。She sipped her coffee while she watched the sun rise.她一边小口喝着咖啡,一边看日出。He sipped at the glass.他对着杯子小口喝着。Frost had displayed his usual matey charm as the pair sipped orange juice on national TV.两个人在国家电视台节目上小口喝着橙汁的时候,弗罗斯特施展了他一贯的亲和魅力。She sipped from her glass of water.她小口喝着玻璃杯里的水。She sipped her white wine primly.她小口喝着白葡萄酒,显得很拘谨。I sipped the hot chocolate she had made.我小口喝着她调制的巧克力热饮。She paused to sip her tea.她停下来小口喝茶。 |