例句 |
I had a strict religious upbringing.我自小受到严格的宗教教育。My father was a real authoritarian so we were brought up very strictly.我父亲非常专制,所以我们从小受的教育很严格。He was raised to have a strong sense of noblesse oblige.他从小受的教养使他树立了强烈的高位责任感。Stan had been brought up to believe that a man should work to support his wife.斯坦从小受到的教育使他相信男人应该工作挣钱养老婆。Alison was brought up in the belief that she was in some way superior to other children.艾莉森从小受到的教育使她相信自己在某方面比其他孩子优越。 |