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例句 The Foreign Minister is to visit China…外交大臣将要访问中国。The flowers will go to seed and spread.这些花儿将要结籽,传播种子。The ships were going to make a passage.这些船将要出航。The Party's authority, comrades, will be put to a serious test.同志们,我党的权威将要受到严峻的考验。The chairman told a news conference that some members of staff would lose their jobs.董事长在一次新闻发布会上宣布将要裁员。I had read a great deal about Professor Chomsky and I felt very excited at the prospect of meeting him.我看过关于乔姆斯基教授的很多著作,想到将要见到他我非常激动。It was decided to buttress the crumbling walls.人们决定建造扶壁以支撑将要倒塌的墙。Unless some extra money is found, the theatre will close.要是不能额外弄一些钱,剧院将要关闭。A hundred jobs are expected to go following the merger.合并之后一百个职位将要没有了。The court would sit all night.法庭将要通宵庭审。We'll make an exception this time.这次我们将要破例了。We'll describe the various parts of the flower.我们将要描述花的各个组成部分。The group will be hitting the road again in the new year, in order to promote their new album.新年里,这个组合将要再次出发宣传他们的新专辑。He'll be in bandages for a few weeks.将要扎几个星期的绷带。Several evening papers carried the news that a cabinet minister was about to resign.好几家晚报报道了一名内阁部长将要辞职的消息。You'll be moving around a lot, so wear nonrestrictive clothing. 将要四处多走动,所以要穿宽松的衣服。These are the prizes given for the most outstanding British theatrical performances of the year.这些奖项将要颁发给本年度英国最杰出的戏剧表演作品。Deciding to become a parent is one of the most important decisions you will make during your lifetime.为人父母是你一生中将要作出的最重大的决定之一。In your new job you will perform a variety of functions.在新的工作岗位上,你将要履行许多不同的职责。Immediately after his election he began to distribute major offices among his friends and supporters.他当选后立即着手将要职分派给他的朋友和支持者们。One of his new comedies is to be presented.他的一个新喜剧将要上演。Mr Sullivan seemed aghast at the prospect of losing his only daughter to this arrogant young man.沙利文先生对自己唯一的女儿将要被这位傲慢无礼的年轻人夺走,显得万分惊诧。She had some misgivings about what she was about to do.她对自己即将要做的事情存有一些顾虑。The band will be releasing an anthology of their earlier albums.这支乐队将要发行他们早期专辑的作品选集。This new social awareness will, needless to say, bring big changes.不用说,这种新的社会意识势必将要带来巨大的变化。She seemed to visibly sag at the thought of what lay ahead.她似乎一想到将要遇到的事就明显变得很消沉。Two three-lane roads will be carved through countryside.将要修建两条三车道公路穿过乡间。We try to negotiate a safe passage for relief convoys which will travel that stretch of road.我们试图通过谈判为将要经过那段路的救援车队争取到安全通行权。The budgetary arithmetic suggests that government borrowing is set to surge.预算数字表明政府借款将要大幅增加。It was public knowledge that he was going to resign.将要辞职是人尽皆知的事了。Most farm workers were only vaguely aware that there was a storm on its way.绝大多数农场工人只是隐约感觉到一场风暴将要来临。There will be a picnic, if nothing prevents.假如没有什么阻碍的话,将要举行一次野餐。The story goes that the Prime Minister will resign.据传首相将要辞职。It will take time to institutionalize these reforms.使这些改革制度化将要花一定时间。Businesses are alarmed at the costs they foresee in complying with the new rules.企业预见到遵循新规定将要付出的代价,感到很忧虑。They are under no illusions about the difficulties ahead of them.他们对将要面对的种种困难没有抱任何幻想。The question to be addressed is interlinked with the question of human rights.将要谈到的问题与人权问题有关。He was sunk in deep gloom at the prospect of being alone.一想到将要独自一人待着,他就陷入了深深的沮丧之中。The aim of the first chapter is to provide a general overview of the subjects that will be covered.第一章的目的是对将要涉及的问题作一总览。With school starting, Anna will have to juggle her love of swimming with her homework.学校开学后,安娜将要兼顾她在游泳方面的兴趣和她的学业。




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