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词汇 对生
例句 He never lost his zest for life.他从未失去对生活的热情。I am sure illnesses stand out in all childhood memories.我敢肯定,在所有的儿时记忆中,对生病的记忆是很清晰的。She had a confused idea of life in general.总的来说,她对生活感到困惑。He had some pretty conservative ideas about the way life should be.对生活的理解非常传统。Decompression due to altitude has physiological effects.海拔变化带来的失压会对生理机能产生影响。She's got a really positive attitude to life.对生活抱有非常乐观的态度。Possibly he thought it would be good for business.或许他认为这会对生意有利。The doctor was very thorough in his examination of the sick child.医生对生病的孩子进行了仔细的检查。He was a plump, placid boy with a philosophical approach to life.他是个平和的胖男孩,对生活采取达观的态度。Oxygen is indispensable to life.氧气对生命是不可或缺的。The intoxicated motorist is a menace to life and limb.酒后驾驶汽车的人对生命构成威胁。The richest universities can pick and choose which students they take.最有钱的大学可以对生源精挑细选。Her writing shows a fascination for the darker side of life.她的作品表现出对生活中阴暗面的强烈兴趣。They seem to have lost their desire for life.他们似乎已丧失了对生活的热望。We rationalized the production system so that one operator could control all three machines.我们对生产系统进行了优化组合,这样一来,一个人可以操控三台机器。Her job is to superintend the production process.她的工作是对生产过程进行监督。This causes a constant niggling dissatisfaction with our lives.这让我们对生活产生不满,并为之烦恼不已。They were a bunch of hopeless geriatrics.这些人年老体衰,对生活失去希望。She has an insatiable curiosity about life.对生命有一种永不满足的好奇心。The publicity has been good for business.广告宣传对生意很有帮助。A period of depression can be a perfectly natural response to certain aspects of life.某段时间感到抑郁可能是对生活某些方面很正常的反应。A conservatory is ideal for growing plants.对生长中的植物来说温室是一个理想的地方。His lust for life has often overshadowed his music.对生活的渴望经常凌驾于音乐之上。Duffy has a contagious enthusiasm for life and poetry.达菲对生活和诗歌的激情很有感染力。He seems to have a perpetual grouse against life.他似乎总是对生活不满。The nurse was very tender toward the sick children.护士对生病的孩子很温柔。We provide for the possibility of illness in the examination regulations.我们在考试条例中对生病作出了规定。He is fairly sophisticated about biology.对生物学颇为精通。She's been feeling discontented with life in general.大体上讲,她对生活一直感到不满。I've always had a fairly optimistic outlook on life.对生活总是抱着一种相当乐观的心态。Our music is a joyous celebration of life.我们的音乐是对生活的欢乐颂扬。This has not had an appreciable effect on production.此事未对生产造成显著影响。The ecological effects of the factory need to be balanced against the employment it generates.需要在工厂对生态造成的影响与其带来的就业机会之间权衡比较。The result later in life may be feelings of emptiness and depression.之后对生活产生的影响可能会是空虚感和沮丧感。By the end of the course, students should be equipped to deal with any business situation.课程结束时,学生们对生意上的任何场面应该都能应付。Brad Pitt steals the show as the young man doomed by his zest for life.布拉德·皮特扮演一名因对生命怀有极大热情而注定在劫难逃的年轻人,抢尽了镜头。The group acknowledged that the parting of the ways was a result of differing opinions concerning the strategic focus of their business.该团体承认分道扬镳是他们对生意上战略重点的不同意见造成的。The effect on coffee prices has been disastrous for the producers.对咖啡价格的影响对生产商而言是灾难性的。Isn't this a demand to control the randomness of life?这难道不是要求对生命的无常加以控制吗?In Chinese culture, it is considered disrespectful to both the living and the dead to live near a burial ground.在中国文化中,住在墓地附近对生者和死者都被视为是不恭敬的。




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