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词汇 密集
例句 We heard heavy rifle fire in the distance.我们听到远处密集的步枪射击声。The police were met with a hail of stones and petrol bombs.警察遭到一阵密集的石块和汽油弹的袭击。Each counsellor undergoes an intensive training programme before beginning work.每个辅导员在上岗前都要接受密集培训。Flowers came up every spring in their serried ranks.每年春天,花儿都密集绽放。Its planes are carrying out heavy bombing raids against the guerrillas.其飞机正在对游击队实施密集轰炸。Over-intensive sheep grazing and inappropriate conifer plantations ruin moorland.过于密集的绵羊放牧和不合理的针叶林种植毁坏了高沼地。He was fined for speeding in a built-up area.他在一个建筑物密集的地区超速行驶而被罚款。The military on both sides are involved in intense activity.双方的军队都有密集动作。Bodyguards formed a solid phalanx around the singer so that photographers couldn't get close.保镖在歌手周围形成密集的人墙,摄影师们无法靠近。US warplanes continued their barrage again this morning.今天早晨美国战机又继续密集轰炸。The density of pores on leaves is a marker for CO concentration.树叶上气孔的密集程度能够指示二氧化碳的浓度。The rebels shelled the densely-populated suburbs near the port.叛乱者炮轰了港口附近人口密集的郊区。They heard thousands of gunshots.他们听到密集的枪炮声。The song is a fiery mix of twanging guitar with relentless drumming.那是一首夹杂着撩拨的吉他声和密集的鼓点的激情四射的歌曲。Pack people into a poverty-stricken, rat-infested Third World city and you have the ingredients for a plague epidemic.一个人口密集、贫穷且老鼠为患的第三世界城市为瘟疫流行提供了温床。We sell furniture specially designed for homes where space is tight.我们经销专为空间密集的居所设计的家具。Large retail chains are usually only prepared to locate stores in areas of high population density.大型零售连锁店一般只愿意设在人口密集的地区。Heavy gunfire broke out in the capital last night.昨晚首都响起了密集的枪炮声。Britain is one of the most highly populated places in the world.英国是世界上人口最密集的地方之一。The soldiers marched in serried ranks towards the station.士兵们排成密集的行列齐步走向车站。Over-intensive farming had exhausted the supply of nutrients in the soil.过度密集的耕作已耗尽了土壤中的养分。The southeastern part of Britain is the most populated.英国东南部是人口最密集的地区。The coastal road was still under heavy interdictory fire.沿海岸的那条公路仍在密集火力的封锁下。Heavy traffic flow is a major source of noise pollution in urban areas.密集的车流是市区噪声污染的一个主要来源。They were gunned down in a hail of bullets.一阵密集的子弹将他们击倒。Officers continued a fingertip search of the area yesterday.昨天,警方继续对这个区域进行了密集搜索。The floor wears well even in high traffic areas.这种地面即使在人流密集地区也很耐用。India is one of the countries that has great denseness in population.印度是人口高度密集的国家之一。The churning, pressing crowds made her feel claustrophobic.挤来挤去的密集人群使她感到一种透不过气的恐惧。That part of the city has a dense population of immigrants.这座城市的这一区域内移民的人口很密集They need to bunch aircraft more closely together to bring in one that is short of fuel.他们需要使飞机飞得更密集一些,以让燃油少的那架降落。Place the bulbs close together.把这些鳞茎密集地埋种在一起。A dense volley of missiles was fired directly at the ship.一排密集的导弹直接射向那艘轮船。Intensive bombing had reduced the city to rubble.密集轰炸把城市炸成了一片瓦砾。Had the bomb dropped over a populated area of the city, there might have been a great deal of damage.如果炸弹投在了该市人口密集的地区,那损失就大了。Nuclear installations are built well away from the main centres of population.核设施建在离人口密集地区很远的地方。A lot of farming techniques have been abandoned because they were too labour-intensive.很多耕作方式因其劳动过于密集而被淘汰。The trees grew close together.那些树长得很密集The greatest concentration of traffic is downtown.交通最密集的地方是商业中心区。Soon after dawn there was another round of heavy shelling in the eastern part of the city.天亮不久,城东遭遇另一轮密集的炮火攻击。




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