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词汇 寂寞
例句 Elena faced a lonely existence in the big city.埃琳娜在大城市里生活很寂寞An almost unbearable loneliness engulfed her.她陷入了一种几乎难以忍受的寂寞What amazing vapors a lonely man may get into his head!一个寂寞的人脑子里会产生多么令人惊异的幻想啊! He figured out that you're lonely, like most widows, and he turned on the charm.他看出你和大多数寡妇一样很寂寞,所以就拿出他的魅力来了。The latter half of his life was spent in obscurity and loneliness.他的后半生在默默无闻和寂寞孤独中度过。The monks take a vow of silence/chastity/poverty.僧侣们立誓坚守寂寞/忠贞/清贫。Many old people complain of loneliness.许多老人都抱怨说觉得寂寞She set the gramophone on to cheat her loneliness.她开了唱机,以解寂寞Isolation and loneliness are common reasons for depression.孤独与寂寞是抑郁的常见原因。He was said to have written such books as The Day of Locusts and Miss Lonely Hearts.据说他曾经写过《蝗虫之日》和《寂寞芳心小姐》之类的小说。Miserable, and unexpectedly lonely, she went in search of Jean-Paul.内心痛苦、突感寂寞的她去寻找琼-保罗。Her loneliness was hard to bear, after her husband died.丈夫死后,她寂寞难熬。To me, their visits were a relief from loneliness.对我来说,他们的来访解我寂寞Old people are prey to loneliness and illness.老年人深受寂寞和疾病的折磨。His fears of loneliness lay at the very root of his inability to leave.他无法离开的根本原因就在于他害怕寂寞She has struggled with feelings of loneliness and alienation for much of her adult life.成年以后的很多时候,她一直在寂寞和孤独中苦苦挣扎。His poems were a desperate expression of his loneliness and isolation.他的诗歌绝望地表现了他的寂寞和孤独。He experienced terrible loneliness after the loss of his wife.妻子去世后,他饱尝寂寞之苦。It's a lonely life for him, living there all on his own.他单独一个人住,过着寂寞的生活。I'd never felt so lonesome.我从未感到如此寂寞Books are her resort when she is lonely.当她寂寞的时候就看书解闷。He endured the agonies of loneliness.他忍受着寂寞的折磨。He felt almost intolerably lonely.他感到几乎难以忍受的寂寞The few people on the streets were alone and seemed lonely.街上那几个人孤零零的,显得冷清寂寞




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