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词汇 宽大
例句 She was enveloped in a large coat.她裹在一件宽大的外套里面。May it please the court to show mercy.但愿法庭会给予宽大The fat, broad tyres had a good depth of tread.这种宽大的轮胎有很深的胎面花纹。She tucked up her voluminous skirts to make room for Jane.她掖起宽大的裙摆给简腾出地方。He looked nautical in his bulky seaman's sweater.他穿了宽大的水手衫,样子像海员。The large windows permit a clear view of the lake.那些宽大的窗户让人可以清楚地看见那片湖。Her velvet was of a pale green with a very full skirt.她的连衣裙是淡绿色的,下摆宽大I snuggled down in the big, comfortable seat.我缩进宽大舒适的椅子里。She wore a peignoir held together at the throat by a bow of ribbon.她穿了一件宽大的浴衣,颈前由一个缎带蝴蝶结拢住。Parking is helped by wide door mirrors.宽大的后视镜有助于泊车。She had a long face, with a high forehead.她脸长,前额宽大The large and heavily bolstered leather driver's seat gives fabulous comfort and support.填充厚实的宽大皮驾驶座给人非凡的舒适和支撑。A nice plain shroud might have the edge over a pink negligee.一件款式好看而简单的罩衫会比粉红的宽大便服更合适。We drove through affluent suburbs with large houses and tree-lined streets.我们驱车驶过富裕的城郊,那里房舍宽大,街道两边树木林立。He has a large, generous face with deep lines.宽大的脸盘上布满了深深的皱纹。She wore a large jacket over her sweater.她在毛衣外面穿了件宽大的夹克。Her wardrobe consists primarily of huge cashmere sweaters and tiny Italian sandals.她的衣物主要是宽大的开司米毛衣和小巧的意大利凉鞋。The legislation had resulted in more lenient treatment for child offenders.这项立法使未成年犯罪者得到更加宽大的处理。The dark green spare bedroom is in total contrast to the lightness of the large main bedroom.这间深绿色的备用卧室与宽大主卧的浅淡色调形成鲜明的对照。All worktops should be wide enough to allow plenty of space for food preparation.所有的厨房操作台都应该足够宽大,为制作食物提供足够的空间。Heat the liquid in a large, wide container, or it can boil over.加热液体时要用一个宽大的容器,否则会往外溢。Papa flattened the creases of the map with his broad hands.爸爸用他宽大的手掌抚平了地图上的折痕。This report shows that wealthy people are treated with more leniency when they break the law.这篇报道说明,有钱人犯法会得到更宽大的处理。A smile overspread his broad face.他那张宽大的脸上堆满微笑。The large windows give fine views of the surrounding countryside.宽大的窗户望出去可以看到四周美丽的田园风光。The police are sometimes more lenient with female offenders.警方有时候对女性违法者比较宽大The garment was pouched above the belt.衣服腰带以上的部分宽大蓬松。Attached to the front of the house, there was a large veranda.和房子前面连着的是一条宽大的走廊。




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