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词汇 容忍
例句 Rude behaviour will no longer be tolerated.将不再容忍粗鲁的行为。If there's one thing I cannot abide, it's spoilt children.如果有什么事情我没法容忍的话,那就是被宠坏的孩子。The president announced that the country would not tolerate foreign aggression.总统宣布该国绝不会容忍外敌入侵。Fear of rapid social change made temporary acquiescence in slavery tolerable in the South.对快速社会变革的恐惧使得南方人对暂时默许奴隶制的做法也可以容忍了。If your mum is happy to tolerate your sister's obsessive behaviour, there is not much you can do.如果你妈妈乐于容忍你姐姐的痴迷行为,那你也没什么办法。She deserves a medal for putting up with him.冲着她对他的这份容忍,真应该给她颁发一枚勋章。They had put up with behaviour from their son which they would not have tolerated from anyone else.他们容忍了儿子的行为,如果换作别人他们可做不到。He'd put up with a lot of bad behaviour from his son and thought it was time to read him the riot act.对于儿子的很多不良行为他一直持容忍态度,但他觉得是该严厉警告他收敛一些的时候了。The salesperson was a saint for putting up with them.那个销售员简直是个圣人,容忍了他们。An unwillingness to tolerate change seems to be bred in the bone in some parts of this country.在这个国家的某些地区一种不愿容忍变革的态度似乎是改变不了的。He made it clear that further insults would not be tolerated.他明确表示,他不会再容忍进一步的侮辱。Blair was tolerated by Bush and his minders as long as he agreed with them.布什和他的助手们会继续容忍布莱尔,只要布莱尔和他们观点一致。There's no way I'm going to put up with rudeness like that!我决不能容忍那样粗鲁的态度!I didn't have to endure his mooning over the woman.我不必容忍他这样痴痴地想念那个女人的行为。The multicultural character of societies today renders the mutual toleration of differences important.今天,多元文化的社会性质使容忍彼此差异重要起来。I'm not going to put up with it any longer.我不会再容忍这个了。I will pouch up no such affront.我决不能容忍这种公开侮辱。Our host was arrogant and offensive. How his sweet wife could tolerate such a horror was baffling.招待我们的男主人傲慢无礼。真不知道他温柔的妻子怎么能容忍这样一个讨厌的家伙。For the moment, the government is happy to live with it.目前政府对此还愿意容忍They need to be tolerant of different points of view.他们需要容忍不同的观点。You cannot be a great leader unless you swallow a few insults.连区区几句辱骂的话都容忍不了是无法成为伟大领导人的。The public won't stand for it.公众是不会容忍这个的。Rosy had a warm easy-going personality, so she was good at tolerating other people's ways and opinions.罗茜性格温柔可亲,所以她很会容忍别人的行为和想法。She's been lying about me, and I won't stand for it.她一直乱说我坏话,我不会容忍下去的。I won't tolerate this type of behaviour from my students.我不会容忍学生的这种行为。He will not tolerate disobedience in any shape or form.他不会容忍任何形式的违抗。There was no tolerance of unorthodox political views.异端政见决不能容忍The fundamental dilemma remains: in a tolerant society, should we tolerate intolerance?基本的矛盾仍未消除:在宽容的社会里,我们应不应该容忍狭隘 ?I can stand a certain amount of foolery, but too much of it annoys me.一定限度的愚蠢行为我尚能容忍,但是太过分了我也会恼火。The senator called the new highways proposal "a fraud and a boondoggle that the taxpayer should not tolerate."参议员称新的道路建设提案是“…毫无意义的骗钱工程,纳税人不应该容忍”。Dominican liked to treat the Count as an equal, an impudence the Count tolerated because it amused him.多米尼加人喜欢平等对待伯爵;这一放肆行为得到伯爵的容忍,因为这令伯爵很愉快。The state appears to condone police brutality.这个州似乎容忍警察的暴行。At this school, we will not put up with bad behavior.在这所学校里,我们将不会容忍恶劣的行为。I don't personally approve but I'm willing to live with it.我本人对此并不赞同,但是我会容忍For the moment, however, the government is happy to live with it.不过目前政府对此还乐于容忍We will not tolerate racism in any shape or form.我们决不能容忍任何形式的种族主义。People are prepared to be tolerant of extra-marital peccadilloes by public figures.人们可以容忍公众人物婚外的不检点行为。American customers no longer tolerate shoddy goods.美国的顾客不再容忍劣等货了。As a journalist you simply cannot tolerate inaccuracy.作为记者,决不能容忍报道失实。It shows much long-suffering in you to put up with him.你能容忍他,这表明你很有长期忍耐精神。




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