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词汇 容光焕发
例句 His radiant face told us of his happiness.从他容光焕发的脸上,我们看出他很幸福快乐。Jed's face was alight with excitement.杰德兴奋得容光焕发She'd used the opportunity to freshen herself up, put on new lipstick, etc.她借此机会梳洗打扮、补涂口红什么的,让自己容光焕发He had the healthy glow of those who live in the outdoors.容光焕发,在野外生活的人都是如此。Pregnancy definitely suited Hannah because she looked blooming.汉娜确实适合怀孕,因为她看上去容光焕发Some women seem to bloom during pregnancy.有些女人在怀孕期间似乎变得容光焕发Her face seemed transfigured by happiness.她似乎高兴得容光焕发His countenance was radiant with health and the lustre of innocence.他因健康和天真无邪而容光焕发You look very perky this morning.今天早上你看起来容光焕发A smile animated his face.微笑使他容光焕发Their faces became transfigured with joy.他们的脸因高兴而容光焕发Give yourself a healthy glow on our detox diet.我们的解毒食谱会让你容光焕发Her face was transfigured with joy.她高兴得容光焕发She has really blossomed recently.她近来确实容光焕发A smile illuminated her face.微笑使她容光焕发She was blooming the last time I saw her.我上次见到她的时候她容光焕发He looked marvellous.他看上去容光焕发Kathy smiled at her daughter's radiant face.凯茜对着女儿容光焕发的面孔微笑着。Her face was glowing with happiness.她因为心情愉快而容光焕发Their faces blazed with enthusiasm.他们热情洋溢,容光焕发A brisk walk will put the roses back into your cheeks.快步行走会使你容光焕发After she met him she really bloomed.她遇到他后变得容光焕发




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