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词汇 to get into
例句 He will have his work cut out to get into the team.他要进入该队困难重重。They tried to get into the house but were beaten back by the flames.他们试图冲进房去,却被火挡了回来。He would be inspiring young people to get into the political fray.他会激励年轻人投身政治战斗。He wants to get into acting.他想从事演艺工作。Make your home difficult to get into, and burglars will go elsewhere.让住宅变得难以闯入,这样窃贼就会去别处了。Is it difficult to get into the club?被接受入俱乐部难吗?He lied about his age to get into the Navy.他为了参加海军谎报年龄。The robber used force to get into the house.强盗使用暴力强行进入住宅。The team took time to get into their stride.该队逐渐进入了状态。I was working hard to get into Cambridge.我为能上剑桥大学而刻苦学习。It's easier to get into debt than to get out of it again!负债容易还债难!At every turn smoke and flame stopped efforts to get into the living quarters.到处是烟雾和火焰,根本无法进入住处。He didn't want to get into a fight, so he decided to button his lip.他不愿意卷入一场争执,于是决定保持缄默。Try to get into the habit of planning your work at the beginning of the day.要养成习惯,每天一起来就要安排好你的工作。The trouble with using credit cards is that it's so easy to get into debt.使用信用卡的麻烦是极易欠债。I'm not going to get into a lather over this defeat.我不会因为这次失败而不安。Sophie was still trying to get into her wet suit.索菲还想穿她的湿衣服。None of her attempts to get into show business has panned out.她多次想进入表演业的尝试都没有成功。Students may be tempted to cheat in order to get into top schools.为了能进入一流学校,学生们会忍不住想作弊。I joined the line of vehicles waiting to get into the car park.我排进汽车长龙里等着进停车场。A couple of boys had climbed the high chain-link fence to get into the park.几个男孩子爬过高高的铁索栅栏进入了公园。While the modelling business is by no means easy to get into, the good model, male or female, will always be in demand.尽管模特行业绝不是那么容易进入的,但是好的模特,不论男女,总是需要的。When the police came, they had to kick the door in to get into the flat.警察来的时候只好踹开门进入那套公寓。I don't want to get into an argument with her.我可不想和她争吵。Look, I don't want to get into a knock-down-drag-out fight with you over this, so let's forget it.听着,我不想跟你就这个问题纠缠争论,咱们忘了这件事吧。I don't want to get into the technicalities of genetic cloning.我不想陷进基因克隆的那些术语之中。There were several people after me who didn't manage to get into the game.在我之后还有好几个人也没法进去看比赛。He managed to get into the private club through the back door because he has a friend who works there.因为有朋友在那家私人俱乐部工作,他想法子走后门进去了。There's no reason to get into a panic.没有理由陷入恐慌。Turning off lights in unoccupied rooms is a good habit to get into.房间没人时随手关灯,是个需要养成的好习惯。I always seem to get into sticky situations.我好像总会陷入窘境。The opportunity to get into computing came about quite by accident.进入计算机行业是一个很偶然的机会。I don't want to get into a wrangle with the committee.我不想同委员会发生争执。She didn't have any formal qualifications but took an access course to get into university.她没有正式的学历,但是她修读了高校入学补习课程以便上大学。The men on the horse were jockeying about to get into a proper line.为取得前一致,骑马的人都在移动着位置。Police had to break down the door to get into the flat.警方只得把门撞开进入公寓里面。He opened the back door and gestured for her to get into the car.他打开后门,示意她上车。He broke a window to get into the house.他破窗入屋。I don't really want to get into discussing the technicalities of laser printing.我不想讨论激光打印的技术细节。She managed to get into the camp by disguising herself as a soldier.她装扮成一名士兵,设法混入了营地。




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