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词汇 家里的
例句 Make sure you insure your home contents for an adequate amount.千万要给家里的财物上足保险。They trusted their son with the family car.他们允许儿子用家里的汽车。We've not had any news from home.我们尚未收到家里的任何消息。The flowers here do not compare with those at home.这里的花不如家里的花开得好。The children had to work on the family farm.孩子们得在家里的农场干活儿。My mother was extremely meticulous and always made sure that every room in the house was spotlessly clean.我母亲非常注重细节,总是要把家里的每个房间都弄得一尘不染。He manages things on the home front when his wife is away.他妻子不在时家里的事由他管。I hate camping-I miss all my creature comforts.我不喜欢野营,我很想念家里的所有那些舒适享受。The contents of the house were auctioned to pay off the family's debts.家中物品被拍卖掉用来清偿家里的债务。The police said the victims were mugged in the hallways of their homes.警察说受害者们都是在家里的过道上被从背后袭击的。They appreciate all the creature comforts of home.他们喜欢家里的舒适环境。They say I'm the black sheep of the family because I decided to be an actor.他们说我是家里的败类,因为我决定去当个演员。Things at home have been very difficult since my father died.自我父亲去世后,家里的境况就很艰难了。We put the house lights on timers before going on vacation.我们去度假前把家里的灯设置了定时。I've left my house keys at home.我把家里的钥匙落在家里了。She learned to wire and plumb the house herself.她学会了亲自铺设家里的线缆和管道。Insulating your home is a good way to save energy.做好家里的隔热是节省能源的一个好方法。He is using your mains electricity to recharge his car battery.他在用你家里的电源给他的车载蓄电池充电。I had to draft a cable home.我得写一份发往家里的电报稿。Dad was the anchor of the family.爸爸是家里的支柱。I've lost my watch, but it must be somewhere in the house.我的手表不见了,不过一定就在家里的某个地方。This machine makes cleaning your home a doddle. 这台机器使家里的清洁工作变得轻而易举。She likes to interchange her furnishings at home with the stock in her shop.她想要把家里的家具与店里的存货调换一下。After Joe left there was a more relaxed atmosphere at home.乔离开后,家里的气氛轻松了许多。Clark says the poltergeist scatters pots and pans over the kitchen floor, opens locked doors and frightens the family dog.克拉克说吵闹鬼会把锅碗瓢盆乱扔在厨房的地板上,会把上了锁的门打开,还会惊吓家里的狗。She bought presents for every member of her family.她给家里的每一个人都买了礼物。The girls in the family resented all the attention that Peter was getting.家里的女孩儿们憎恨彼得夺走了所有人的注意力。I'd sit in meetings, fretting about what was happening at home.我列席会议,心里却在为家里的事发愁。With medication, life at home goes on as usual.接受药物治疗后,家里的生活一切如常。Sometimes the home environment just isn't conducive to reading.有时候家里的环境就是不适合阅读。Everyone at home is thrilled about Jean's baby.家里的每个人都为琼的小孩感到激动不已。After the excitements of the tour, I found it difficult to readjust to life at home.经过旅行中的种种兴奋刺激之后,我觉得很难再适应在家里的生活。We've soundproofed our home studio.我们已将家里的录音室作了隔音处理。There was no answer at his workplace, so Mandy tried his home number.他工作的地方没人接电话,因此曼迪试着拨打他家里的电话号码。My house guest and I had breakfast together.我和暂住家里的客人一起吃了早餐。It was time to let the rest of the family into the secret.是时候让家里的其他人知道这个秘密了。On our third date Melissa began to open up and told me about her family and about the years she spent in Italy.我们第三次约会的时候,梅利莎话多起来了,开始跟我说她家里的事,说她在意大利度过的那段时光。Later, back at home, the telephone rang.随后,家里的电话响了。With the income from the family estate, she's in clover.家里的地产收入,她过得很安逸。Ann won't do a lick of work around the house.家里的事安一点也不做。




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