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词汇 酒店
例句 All the hotel's bedrooms have a mini-bar, telephone and radio.这家酒店的所有客房里都有小冰箱、电话和收音机。The pool is for the use of hotel guests only. 游泳池仅对酒店客人开放。I wanted to talk to her before she left the hotel, but she gave me the slip.我想在她离开酒店之前和她谈谈,可她却躲开我溜走了。Princess Tours runs independent excursions from selected hotels.公主旅行社在精选出的酒店中经营独立的旅游线路。Some hotels offer special rates for children.有些酒店为儿童提供特价。There are one or two good hotels in the main square.在主广场有一两家好的酒店Near the railway station stood a hotel.火车站附近有家酒店You will be met on arrival at the airport and transferred to your hotel.你到达机场后会有人接你,然后把你送到酒店The Liverpool Metropole is my favourite.利物浦大都会酒店是我的最爱。The room had a fully stocked bar and all the accoutrements of a first-class hotel.房间里有一个摆满了酒的酒吧,还有一流酒店该有的全套设备。The hotel has a huge bar that we afterpartied in.那家酒店有一个大型酒吧,我们参加派对后就会在那里聚会。The hotel is well provided with staff.这家酒店员工充足。The hotel is regularly the location for glossy magazine shoots.这家酒店经常是时尚杂志拍照的地点。Here at our hotel, we strive to provide service with a personal touch.在我们酒店,我们力求提供个性化的服务。She'd seen him snooping around Kim's hotel room.她曾看见他在金住的酒店房间附近探头探脑。The hotel has four restaurants, a bar and a disco, as well as an impressive range of sporting facilities.这家酒店有四个餐馆、一个酒吧和一个迪斯科舞厅,还有各种令人难忘的体育运动设施。The hotel was comfortable enough.这家酒店还算舒适。The hotel is well placed for restaurants, bars and clubs.这家酒店位置适中,适宜经营餐馆、酒吧和俱乐部。Many activities are available at the hotel at no extra cost, but theatre trips and excursions are not included.酒店内的许多活动都不另外收费,但看戏和外出观光不包括在内。Residents may use the hotel swimming pool at no extra charge.住客不必另外付费,即可使用酒店内的游泳池。Tours leave from Palma and are bookable at some hotels or any travel agency.旅行从帕尔马出发,可以在一些酒店或任何旅行社进行预订。The beach is within easy reach of the hotel.海滩离酒店很近。The time of opening of pubs is regulated by law.酒店的开始营业时间由法律规定。There are plans to knock the library down and replace it with a hotel complex.计划拆除图书馆,改建酒店综合大楼。The singer was conveyed from her hotel to the airport by limousine.女歌手乘坐豪华轿车从酒店到达机场。We made good time and were at the hotel by lunchtime.我们路上很快,午饭时间就到酒店了。Traveller's cheques can be cashed at most hotels for a small charge.旅行支票在大多数酒店都可以兑换成现金,但是要支付一小笔手续费。We were offered a package deal that included plane tickets, hotel accommodations, and tickets to shows in the area.我们得到的是套票服务,其中包括机票、酒店住宿和当地的演出门票。The Regent hotel has a superlative view of Hong Kong island.从丽晶酒店看香港岛景色绝佳。The cops had ordered the bars and liquor stores closed.警察命令关闭酒吧和酒店A dozen writers and wits used to gather at the Algonquin Hotel for lunch.很多作家和才子以前常常聚在阿尔贡金酒店用餐。The doorman kept the riffraff out of the hotel.看门人把下等人挡在了酒店门外。The firm paid over $10 million for a controlling interest in five hotels.这家公司斥资一千多万美元买下了五家酒店的控股权。The hotel's most attractive feature is its magnificent view of Mount Hood.酒店最吸引人的特色是能眺望胡德山美景。Crowds of young girls jostled for attention outside the pop star's hotel room.一大群年轻女孩在歌星的酒店房间外争前抢后,试图引起注意。The brochure draws a comparison between the hotel and a medieval palace.宣传手册上说,这家酒店堪比中世纪的皇宫。The man registered at a Las Vegas hotel as Dustin Hoffman, and it wasn't until he left without paying his bill that people realized he was an impostor.那个男人在拉斯韦加斯一家酒店以达斯汀·霍夫曼的名字登记入住,直到他没付账溜走时人们才意识到他是个冒牌货。I phoned the hotel to cancel my reservation.我打电话给酒店取消了预订。There is a wide choice of hotels and hostels in the town.镇上有许多酒店和旅舍可供选择。Hotel Miramar is situated high above the bay.米拉马尔酒店高高地坐落在海湾之上。




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