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例句 He challenged the established order. 他向现存制度发起了挑战。I challenged him to show his proof.我要他拿出证据。This decision is likely to be challenged by the oil companies.这一决定很可能遭到石油公司的质疑。She challenged the legitimacy of the previous speaker's arguments.她对前一位演讲者观点的合理性提出了挑战。The move was immediately challenged by two of the republics.此项动议立即遭到其中两个共和国的反对。They challenged the Neapolitan troops to come out and do battle with them.他们向那不勒斯军队提出挑战,要求其出城与之开战。Mike had been challenged and he was not going to back away from the contest.迈克受到挑战,而面对这场比赛他是不会退缩的。The American aerospace industry has been challenged by some stiff competition.美国航空航天业遭到了来自一些强劲竞争对手的挑战。The girl had challenged the traditions of her patriarchal tribe.这个女孩儿曾向她所在的宗法部落的传统提出挑战。The central authority of the company's board is being challenged.公司董事会的最高权威受到挑战。If it doesn't pass muster, a radio station could have its licence challenged.如果不合要求,电台可能会被吊销执照。She's been challenged on her handling of the problem.她对此问题的处理遭到质疑。He is academically-challenged, as the politically correct would say.按政治上正确的人们的话说,他是个在学术方面遭到挑战的人。She challenged the traditional roles assigned to women.她对妇女被赋予的传统角色提出了挑战。No one has challenged the assumptions that are made in the report.谁也没有怀疑报告中所提出的假设。We were challenged by the security guard at the gate.我们在门口被保安人员拦住查问。He challenged the views of his party's front bench.他对本党前座议员的观点提出了质疑。I'm really at my best when I'm challenged.我遇到挑战的时候状态最好。She challenged me to a race.她要和我比赛赛跑。Revisionist history must be challenged by historical research.必须通过历史研究对修正主义历史学进行质疑论证。Mr Martin challenged her to provide evidence.马丁先生激她拿出证据。She challenged him on his old-fashioned views.她不同意他的老派观点。He took criticism to extremes and challenged his authority.他评论得太过头,动摇了他的权威。This was Hyer's last fight, for no one else challenged him.这是海尔的最后一场比赛,因为再没有人向他发起挑战。Democratic leaders have challenged the president to sign the bill.民主党领袖对总统签署这项法案提出了质疑。The idea has never been challenged.这个想法从未被质疑。The legal validity of the claims has been challenged.这些索赔的合法性受到质疑。We were immediately challenged by armed guards.我们马上就受到武装门卫的盘查。Viewpoints such as these are strongly challenged by environmentalists.类似这样的观点遭到环境保护主义者的强烈质疑。Her version contradicted the Government's claim that they were shot after being challenged.她的叙述与政府关于他们是在被盘问后遭枪击这一说法相悖。U.S. business today is challenged by aggressive overseas competitors.如今美国的商业受到海外竞争者咄咄逼人的挑战。Scientists have challenged the findings of the researchers.科学家质疑这些研究者的研究结果。Jack wasn't challenged by the curriculum at that university.那个大学的课程使杰克感到没劲。Anti-European protesters challenged that decision.反对英国加入欧共体的抗议者对那个决定提出了质疑。His continuance as Election Commissioner has been challenged in the Supreme Court.最高法院对他一直以来担任选举监察专员一职提出了异议。A problem that has intrigued and challenged me for many years.吸引并考验我多年的一个问题The established social order was challenged by the peasants' rebellion.现有的社会秩序受到农民起义的冲击。Our environment and economy was challenged gravely because resource was consumed in excess.资源的过度消耗使人们的生存环境和经济运行受到严峻的挑战。She challenged the ban on smoking.她对禁烟令提出了质疑。He challenged my statement.他对我的说法表示怀疑。




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