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词汇 chalk
例句 We are very aware of our differences, we accept that we are chalk and cheese.我们非常清楚相互之间的差异,并且承认自己是截然不同的两类人。I stood at the edge of the old chalk quarry, with a sheer drop of ten or twenty metres below me.我站在旧白垩采石场边缘,离下面有一二十米的垂直距离。Teachers usually write on the blackboard with chalk.教师通常用粉笔在黑板上书写。I hate to hear the sound of chalk grating against the blackboard.我讨厌听到粉笔在黑板上摩擦发出的刺耳声。With a stick of chalk he wrote her order on a blackboard.他用一截粉笔将她的指示写在黑板上。Let's chalk out the last part of the work today.让我们今天把最后部分工作的计划制订出来。He gave a chalk talk on the techniques of making a sale.他作了一个推销技巧的图示演讲。If you do not enjoy what ensues, chalk it up to experience and do not do it again.如果你不喜欢紧接着发生的事,就从中吸取教训,以后不要再干了。My two horses are as different as chalk and cheese.我的两匹马迥然不同。He put chalk marks on the stage to show the actors where they should stand.他用粉笔在舞台上做标记,提示演员应该站的位置。They used to put chalk dust on the underneath of the horse's saddle.他们以前常在马鞍底下撒些粉笔灰。The teachers are prepared to down chalk unless the disruptive pupils are removed from their classes.如果不把那些捣乱的学生从班上开除出去,教师们就准备罢教。Such a young child does not know chalk from cheese.这样年幼的孩子是不辨是非的。The water will be pumped up from chalk pits.白垩矿坑中的水将会被抽干。I can't stand the sound of chalk grating on a blackboard.我受不了粉笔写在黑板上那吱吱的声音。Mr. Parker made the students walk the chalk line.帕克先生使学生们循规蹈矩。He crushed a piece of chalk to powder.他将一支粉笔压成粉末。The teacher rubbed against the blackboard, getting chalk all over his back.老师擦黑板时弄得背上满是粉笔灰。Tut! I've got some chalk on my coat.啧!我外套上弄上一些粉笔灰了。The two places, he insists, are as different as chalk and cheese.他坚持说那两个地方有天壤之别。Schumacher and his Colombian team-mate are chalk and cheese.舒马赫和他的哥伦比亚队友完全不是一个类型的。The children traced their hands onto the sidewalk with chalk.孩子们用粉笔在人行道上画手印。Our work isn't done yet, not by a long chalk. 我们的工作尚未完成,要做的事还多着呢。The rest of us hadn't finished our drinks, not by a long chalk.我们其余几个人还没有喝完,还差得远呢。Clay overlies chalk in the southern mountains.在南部山脉,黏土层叠压在白垩层之上。The teacher handed her a piece of chalk and asked her to write the answer on the chalkboard.老师递给她一支粉笔,让她把答案写在黑板上。He made chalk marks on the floor and measured off distances with a metal tape.他用钢卷尺量出距离,并用粉笔在地上做了标记。He wiped the chalk dust off his hands.他擦掉了手上的粉笔末。An elderly woman was strewing the floor with French chalk so that the dancing shoes would not slip.一位老妇人正在往地板上撒滑石粉以防止舞鞋打滑。They will chalk up your good points.他们会记下你的优点。You can chalk the drinks up to my account.你可以把酒钱记到我的账上。Even though they're twins, their personalities are chalk and cheese.尽管他们是双胞胎,但他们的性格却迥然不同。The teacher snapped the chalk in two and gave me a piece.老师把粉笔折成两段,给了我一段。He squiggled with a piece of chalk on the suitcase.他用一支粉笔在手提箱上涂写。This is the nearest, by a long chalk, that Britain has come to recession.这在很大程度上是英国最接近经济衰退的一次。I erased the chalk marks from the blackboard.我擦掉了黑板上的粉笔印迹。Her skin was chalk white and dry-looking.她的皮肤看上去苍白发干。He picked up a piece of chalk and wrote the answer on the blackboard.他拿起一支粉笔,在黑板上写下了答案。We need someone to chalk up the scores during the match.我们需要有人在比赛中用粉笔记分数。She had scrawled a note in chalk across the board.她用粉笔在黑板上草草地写了个通知。




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