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词汇 实际问题
例句 What do these eggheads know about practical things?这些学问家对实际问题懂些什么? These changes in the law are purely cosmetic and do nothing to deal with the real problem.法律条文上的这些变动纯粹是摆摆样子的,根本不能解决实际问题It was not simply a practical matter, but a fundamental question of principle.那不仅仅是个实际问题,更是一个根本性的原则问题。They've agreed in theory, but now we need to discuss practical matters.他们在理论上是同意了,但现在我们需要讨论实际问题Earning a living is a practical matter.谋生是个实际问题The skills and logistics of getting such a big show on the road pose enormous practical problems.搞如此大型的巡演,无论是技术上还是物流上都面临着巨大的实际问题An engineer will address the design's practical problems.工程师会处理这些设计的实际问题It's only now that the real problems in London are coming home to roost.伦敦存在的实际问题直至现在才产生恶果。We need to tackle the real problems of unemployment and poverty.我们需要解决失业和贫穷这两个实际问题He has the capability of solving practical problems.他有解决实际问题的才能。




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