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Much of her work is speculative, based on psychoanalytic theory rather than empirical data.她的著作中有相当一部分内容是推测性的,建立在精神分析理论之上而缺乏来自实际经验的数据。Students require field experience rather than just observation.学生所需的不仅是观察,他们更需要实际经验。Practical experience is often very important.实际经验往往是很重要的。Why does he waste his time studying poetry? He'd be better getting some practical experience of business.为什么他把时间浪费在学习诗歌上?他应该获取一些做生意的实际经验。She has theoretical knowledge of teaching, but no practical experience.她有教学方面的理论知识,但没有实际经验。She had plenty of book learning but no hands-on experience.她有丰富的书本知识,但是没有实际经验。It takes experience to work up a knowledge of sailing.掌握航海知识要靠实际经验。 |