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词汇 实体
例句 The domestic and international tourism markets are separate entities.国内和国际的旅游市场是两个独立的实体Life-size dinosaur models tower above visitors to the Prehistoric Park.史前公园里实体大小的恐龙模型屹立在前来参观的游客面前。The two companies will combine to form a new entity.这两个公司将合并为一个新的实体The two countries fought for the right to become separate entities.两个国家为成为独立的实体而战。One division of the company was broken off as a separate entity.公司的一个部门被分出来,成了一个独立的实体A cone is a solid body which narrows to a point from a round, flat base.圆锥体是底面圆平顶尖的实体The picture beneath was near lifesize.下方的这幅画几乎和实体一样大小。The state is not a unified and internally coherent entity.该国不是一个统一的、内部团结的实体He regarded the north of the country as a separate cultural entity.他把这个国家的北部地区视为一个独立的文化实体Nuclear weapons have the capability to destroy the physical integrity of the planet.核武器具有摧毁地球实体完整性的威力。They are two separate, mutually independent entities.他们是两个互不相关、相互独立的实体The organization would not be a for-profit entity because it would violate guidelines.此组织不会成为一个盈利性实体,否则会有悖于指导方针。The company broke up into three separate entities.这家公司分成了三个独立的实体




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