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词汇 完成工作
例句 He would work overtime, without pay, to finish a job.他会为了完成工作无偿加班。She was more concerned with flirting than with getting the job done.比起完成工作,她对打情骂俏更感兴趣。You'll have to speed up your rate of work if you want to finish by the agreed date.如果你要在约定日期前完成工作,你得加快速度。You have my guarantee that I'll finish the job on time.我向你保证按时完成工作The Action Group worked by dividing its tasks among a large number of subgroups.行动小组通过将其任务分配给多个下属小组来完成工作We had to work at full stretch to get the job finished in time.为按时完成工作我们必须拼命干。 He worked his butt off to finish on time.他为按时完成工作拼尽了全力。He strained to finish the work in a week.他拼命努力,想在一周内完成工作He really got it in the neck for not finishing the job on time.因为没有按时完成工作,他受到了严厉批评。Our boss isn't afraid to get her hands dirty and help us finish the work on time.我们的老板不辞劳苦地帮助我们按时完成工作We had exactly one day to get the job done—no more, no less.我们刚好用一天的时间完成工作,不多也不少。A feeling of anxiety permeated the office as we rushed to meet the deadline.为赶在截止日期前完成工作,办公室里弥漫着紧张焦虑的气氛。We were under obligation to finish the work in a satisfactory way.我们有义务圆满地完成工作Getting the work done on time is a priority for me.按时完成工作是我的当务之急。Without extra help, it's going to be very difficult to meet the Friday deadline.如果不增加人手来帮忙,很难如期在星期五之前完成工作Special congratulations go out to Eric for a job done well.要特别祝贺埃里克出色地完成工作Let's go out for a coffee when you've finished work.完成工作后,我们出去喝杯咖啡吧。We should work on without cease in order to finish the job on time.我们应该不停地干,才能按时完成工作I strive to get my work done in a timely fashion.我努力按时完成工作He gets his work done quickly, but he's very slapdash.他能很快完成工作,但做得很马虎。The end of the year was their self-imposed deadline for finishing the work.年底是他们自己提出的完成工作的最后期限。They are bending their efforts toward completing the job on time.他们正竭尽全力争取按时完成工作They had to work at full stretch to get the job finished in time.为了按时完成工作他们必须全力以赴。They are finishing the job even as we speak. 我们说话的这会儿,他们正在完成工作To get the job done more quickly, we split up into teams.为了更快地完成工作,我们分成了小组。Tell him he has two weeks to finish the job. If he's not finished by then, he's fired.告诉他给他两周时间完成工作,如果到时不能完成,他就会被解Asking for assistance in finishing the work is tantamount to an admission of failure.请人帮助完成工作相当于承认失败。The contract requires him to finish work by the end of the year.这份合同要求他在年底完成工作Employees regularly stay late to complete tasks, but they are not paid overtime.雇员经常为完成工作留得很晚,但是却拿不到加班费。We worked like hell to finish the job.我们为完成工作而拼命地干。When you've finished your work, shall we take a ride?完成工作后,我们开车去兜兜怎样?There is never enough time to finish our work.我们总没有足够的时间来完成工作I asked for an extra two weeks to finish the work.我要求额外再加两周来完成工作The new technology allows us to complete the job in a fraction of the time it formerly took.新技术大大减少了我们完成工作的时间。Their efforts to finish the work redoubled as the deadline drew near.最后期限临近,他们更加努力以完成工作When you get through with your work, let's go out.完成工作后,我们出去吧。What time do you finishwork?你什么时候完成工作We're going to have to work like crazy to get this finished on time.为了按时完成工作,我们得拼命干。I slaved all morning to get the work done on time.为了按时完成工作,我整个上午都在拼命工作。The best-case scenario would be for us to finish the work by tomorrow.对我们来说最好的情况就是在明天前完成工作




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