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词汇 安装好
例句 I set up my computer so that I could work from home.安装好了计算机,这样我就可以在家工作。Once the software is installed, you'll wonder how you ever did without it.一旦安装好这个软件,你会纳闷当初是怎么将就过来的。Construction workers had to spend the night ramming iron girders into place to support the building.建筑工人不得不花了一晚上用力把支撑大楼的铁梁安装好Any dodo could put this together.任何一个笨蛋都能把这个安装好The guard must be in place before operating the meat slicer.必须先安装好防护罩再操作切肉片。The computer comes with the software already installed.这台电脑附带已安装好的软件。The loft ladder is easily installed.阁楼的梯子很容易就安装好了。We lost the instruction manual and couldn't put our bikes together.我们弄丢了安装手册,没法把我们的自行车安装好Once we get the computer installed we'll be in business.电脑一安装好我们就可以开始了。Will you be able to set up my PC?你能把我的计算机安装好吗?You will receive a message confirming correct installation of the program.你会收到一个信息确认程序已正确地安装好了。The parts were jigged up and ready.各部件已经用夹具安装好了。Does responsibility end at the fitting of car seats?只负责安装好汽车座椅吗?




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