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词汇 countered
例句 The union countered with letters rebutting the company's claims.工会写信驳回了公司的要求。The government countered with a flurry of briefings.政府发布了一连串的简报进行反驳。Congestion could be countered by persuading more drivers to get on their bikes.通过劝说更多的驾车者改骑自行车可以缓解交通拥堵。He countered each question with a stunning one-two.他用使人张口结舌的连珠炮式反驳来还击每一个问题。Sears then countered by filing an antitrust lawsuit.于是西尔斯提起反托拉斯诉讼进行反击。When they blamed him for the collapse of the bridge, he countered that his warnings about the bridge had been ignored.当他们因桥梁坍塌而谴责他时,他回应说他过去对此提出的警告无人理会。The Prime Minister countered by stating that he had grave misgivings about the advice he had been given.总理反驳说他对自己所收到的那些建议颇为顾虑。He countered with a punch to the other fighter's head.他进行了还击,一拳打在对方拳击手的头上。He'd blindly countered force with more force.他盲目地用更大的武力来对付武力。She countered with some of the most brilliant chess moves ever seen.她采用一些有史以来最高超的棋法进行反击。Teachers have countered criticisms by blaming the government.教师们通过责备政府来回击受到的批评。She countered my criticisms by saying we had no choice in the matter.她以我们在这件事上别无选择来反驳我的批评。I countered by enquiring whether she actually knew this man.我反过来问她是否真的认识这个男人。




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