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词汇 安妮
例句 Outside it was a cold wintry day, but Anne felt safe and warm inside by the fire.屋外一片寒冬景象,但安妮坐在火炉旁感到安全和温暖。Anny described how she got into an argument with one of the marchers.安妮描述了她是如何与其中一位游行者发生争执的。Ann is on the bottle again.安妮又在喝酒了。Anne, you need to listen to me this time.安妮,这次你得听我的。Annie had sneaked out to the bar, hoping that her parents wouldn't notice she was gone.安妮偷偷地溜到酒吧去了,她希望父母不会发觉自己走了。Annie's such a dear - she's brought me breakfast in bed every morning this week.安妮可真是个大好人——这周她每天早上都把早饭送到我的床边。Annie was floating on her back in the water.安妮脸朝上地浮在水上。The groom held the stirrup while Anne mounted.安妮上马时,马夫抓着马镫。I'm going over the road to talk to Annie.我正要到路那头儿和安妮说话。You didn't actually believe him when he said he had a yacht, did you? Oh, Annie, you sucker!他说他有个游艇时你不是真的相信了吧?噢,安妮,你这个傻瓜!See you later, Anne.再见,安妮Anne couldn't be expected to understand the situation.别指望安妮能弄明白当前情势。The college has helped Anne with the organization of the event.学院帮助安妮进行这次活动的筹备工作。Anneka was set the huge task by Christian Aid on behalf of a family who fled from war-torn Mozambique.基督教援助委员会指派给安妮卡一个巨大任务,为从饱受战争蹂躏的莫桑比克逃出的一个家庭提供帮助。Anne Garrels reports there are still difficult times ahead for Poland.安妮·加雷尔斯报道说波兰仍然将面临一段艰苦的时期。Anni-Frid's son has followed her into the music business.安妮-弗瑞德的儿子子承母业,也进入了音乐圈。He strongly disagreed with what Anne had said.他对安妮说的话很不以为然。Annie felt slighted because she hadn't been invited to the meeting.因为没被请去开会,安妮感觉受到了轻视。Anne had remained unruffled, very cool and controlled.安妮处乱不惊,十分冷静沉着。Anne went to chase the dog out of the garden.安妮去把狗赶出花园。She hardly ever lost her temper – least of all with Anne.她几乎从不发脾气 — 对安妮就更不用说了。Anne was both flattered and surprised by Danny's attentiveness to her.丹尼的大献殷勤让安妮受宠若惊。Anne struggled to help Peter and Zara with their prep.安妮努力帮助彼得和扎拉完成他们的家庭作业。In exchange for looking after the children, Annie has all her meals paid for and receives a small monthly allowance.安妮照看孩子的报酬是三餐免费和每月一小笔津贴。Don't tell Anne we've arranged a party for her - I want it to be a surprise.不要告诉安妮我们为她安排了一个聚会——我想给她一个惊喜。Anne was intelligent and capable of passing her exams with ease.安妮很聪明,能够轻松通过考试。When Annie arrived, Harriman went out of his way to make life pleasant for her.安妮到达后,哈里曼不怕麻烦地尽力使她过得愉快。Anne was missing him badly.安妮非常想念他。Anne trotted obediently beside her mother.安妮听话地跟在妈妈身边小跑。Annie's work reflects her philosophy that life is full of mysteries.安妮的作品反映了她的人生哲学,即生活充满神秘色彩。A young girl answering Anne's description had just been brought in by police.安妮描述相符的一个年轻女孩刚刚被警察带进来。In a panic-stricken attempt to free herself from Annie's grip, she snatched the scissors off the table.她万分惊恐,企图挣脱安妮的手,便一把抓起桌上的那把剪刀。Daniel waited all day, hoping against hope that Annie would change her mind and come back.丹尼尔等了整整一天,抱着一线希望盼安妮会改变主意回到他的身边。Anne's sight is very good for someone of her age.安妮的视力对于她这个年龄的人来说算是非常好的。My name is Roseanne and I'm in here for heroin addiction.我的名字叫罗丝安妮,我是因为吸食海洛因上瘾来到这里的。Annie was wonderfully warm and maternal.安妮非常亲切慈爱。Anne made the beds and tidied up the nursery.安妮把床铺都整理好,然后把幼儿室收拾停当。The governorship went to a Democrat, Mrs Anne Richards.民主党人安妮·理查兹夫人当选为州长。Anne saw Terry off at the station.安妮到车站为特里送行。When Annie left him, it broke his heart.安妮离开了他,他心都碎了。




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