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Punctuality is not one of my strong points, I must admit.守时不是我的优点,这一点我必须承认。We expect our employees to be good timekeepers.我们希望员工们都能守时。Miss Talmadge had a reputation for punctuality.塔尔梅奇小姐是出了名的守时。Cadets are taught discipline, neatness and punctuality.军校学员要学习守纪、整洁和守时。They place special emphasis on the importance of punctuality.他们特别强调守时的重要性。For future reference, I expect all employees to be punctual.以后要记住,我希望所有雇员都能守时。I'll have to have a word with them about punctuality.我得和他们谈一谈守时的问题。I am trying to improve my timekeeping.我在努力做到守时。Don't make a merit of being punctual—it's only what we expect of you.守时没有什么好自夸的,我们认为这是你应该做到的。Workers received bonuses for punctuality.工人们因为守时而获得奖金。She's a good timekeeper.她是个守时的人。He's always very punctual.他总是很守时。 |