例句 |
There may be several hundred amino acids in a single protein molecule.一个蛋白分子中可能有数百种氨基酸。Different amino acids combine to form proteins.不同种类的氨基酸组合构成蛋白质。Amino acids are the building blocks of protein.氨基酸是构成蛋白质的基本成分。Over time, the protein in the eggshell breaks down into its constituent amino acids.时间久了,蛋壳中的蛋白质就会分解为其构成成分氨基酸。Amino acid is synthesized in the body.氨基酸在体内合成。When we ingest a mineral, it must be combined with an amino acid to be absorbed.我们所摄取的矿物质必须与氨基酸结合才能吸收。 |