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词汇 孙子
例句 The old man entered the room supported by his grandson.老人由孙子扶著进了房间。She has recently mastered digital photography with the aid of her grandson.她最近在孙子的帮助下学会了用数码相机照相。The doting grandmother smiled and chatted about how well the boy was doing at school.那位溺爱孙子的祖母微笑着大谈这孩子在学校里表现如何如何好。His grandson owns all of the latest newfangled electronics.所有最新的时髦电子产品,他孙子都有。Mary has a whole brood of grandchildren.玛丽有一大群孙子孙女。How many grandchildren have you now?你现在有几个孙子、孙女?She steadfastly maintained that her grandsons were innocent, and nothing could dissuade her from that belief.她坚持认为她孙子是无辜的,什么都不能改变她这一看法。I hadn't been far wrong in my estimate of his grandson's capabilities.我对他孙子的能力的判断还不算太离谱。He could not believe that she would have hazarded her grandson.他无法相信她会让自己的孙子涉险。Betty adores her grandchildren.贝蒂非常宠爱孙子孙女。He gets a lot of pleasure from spending time with his grandchildren.孙子孙女共度时光他得到了很多乐趣。She doesn't see her grandchildren very often so she makes a real fuss of them when she does.她不怎么经常见到孙子们,所以见到时往往对他们非常宠爱。Nothing could dissuade her from her belief that her grandsons were innocent.没有什么能阻止她相信孙子们的清白。Knowing that Peter was close by took the edge off my anxiety for my grandson.我知道彼得在身边,就减轻了我对孙子的担心。One of my grandchildren heard the shouting first.我的一个孙子首先听到了喊叫声。My grandson needed a jab.孙子得打针。At breakfast next morning my two grandsons were clamouring to go swimming.第二天早上吃早饭时,我的两个孙子吵着要去游泳。Looking at his grandson made him really feel his age.看着孙子他感觉自己真的老了。She peeped into the bedroom to see what mischief her grandson was getting up to.她往卧室里窥视,看看孙子在搞什么鬼。My grandson is a grand little chap.孙子是个特了不起的小家伙。Her grandchildren are devoted to her.她的孙子孙女们很爱她。She's always had a soft spot for her youngest grandson.她总是偏爱她最小的孙子My grandson's birthday was on Tuesday.星期二是我孙子的生日。All I want is to have some peace and quiet and spend a couple of nice days with my grandchildren.我就想清静一下,和孙子孙女们一起好好呆几天。If you ask about his grandchildren, he'll natter on about them for hours.你要是问起他的孙子孙女,他会扯上几个小时。You do not hit my grandchildren, do you understand?.你不准打我的孙子孙女,明白吗?Nancy would rattle on for hours about her grandchildren.南希会几个小时喋喋不休地讲她的孙子孙女。She tried to rationalize her grandson's strange behavior by blaming it on the boy's father.她试图把孙子的奇怪行为归咎于孩子的父亲。We love having our grandchildren visit, but they always leave such a mess for us to clean up.我们很乐意孙子们来玩,可他们总会弄得一团糟让我们来收拾。Their grandson is the only thing keeping them going.孙子是让他们坚持下去的唯一动力。She doted on her new grandchild.她溺爱她刚出生的孙子Is your grandson walking yet?孙子现在会走路了吗?This year we won't even be able to buy presents for our grandchildren. It's heartbreaking.今年我们甚至不能给孙子孙女们买礼物,真是让人心碎。When her grandchildren visit, she puts away anything she doesn't want to get broken.孙子孙女来玩时,她把那些不舍得被打碎的东西都收了起来。With a minimum of fuss, she produced the grandson he had so desperately wished for.几乎没费什么周折,她就生了一个他朝思暮想的孙子She obviously dotes on her grandson.她显然很宠她的孙子Jack carried his grandson up the stairs.杰克把孙子抱上楼去。Mother had adorned the mantelpiece with photos of her grandson.母亲把孙子的照片放在壁炉架上。Mary loves her grandchildren.玛丽很疼爱她的孙子们。My mother was outraged at the idea that she might be kept from seeing her grandchildren.想到有可能见不到自己的孙子孙女,我母亲就大为愤怒。




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