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词汇 banning
例句 The banning of his play decided him to write about censorship.他的戏剧被禁演,这促使他下定决心就审查制度的问题下笔。The government issued an edict banning public demonstrations.政府颁布了法令,禁止举行示威游行。Indonesia's government is considering a law banning unwed couples from pecking in public.印度尼西亚政府正在考虑颁布法律,禁止未婚情侣在公共场所亲吻。The Russians proposed a treaty banning all nuclear tests.俄罗斯人提议签订一项全面禁止核试验的条约。The doctors want stricter enforcement of existing laws, such as those banning sales of cigarettes to children.医生们希望加大现行法律的执行力度,如禁止向孩童出售香烟。She has decided not to appeal against a court order banning her from keeping animals.对于法院禁止她饲养动物的判令,她决定不再上诉。They signed agreements banning the use of chemical weapons.他们签订了禁止使用化学武器的协议。Some countries are still refusing to sign a treaty banning chemical weapons.有些国家仍拒绝签署禁止化学武器的条约。She got a court injunction banning her husband from her home.她得到了法院禁止她丈夫回她家的禁止令。Quite a few towns are now banning cars from their shopping centres.现在有不少城镇禁止汽车驶入购物中心。She presented a well-argued case for banning smoking in public places.她举了一个很有说服力的案例来说明公共场所应该禁止吸烟。The three were served with exclusion orders banning them from Britain.那三人被执行禁入令,不得再入境英国。Congress passed a law banning the sale of automatic rifles.国会通过了一项法律,禁止销售步枪。The new laws banning fox hunting caused outrage in tweedy circles.禁止猎杀狐狸的新法律引发了上层人士的愤慨。The doctors want stricter enforcement of existing laws, such as those banning sales of cigarettes to children.医生们希望加大现行法律的执行力度,如禁止向儿童出售香烟。The banning of public meetings was held to be a denial of civil liberties.禁止公众集会被认为是一种剥夺公民自由权的行为。No reason was given for the banning of the magazine.杂志被无端取缔了。The EC plans to issue orders banning the sale of the drug.欧盟计划发布命令,禁止销售这种药物。They are banning the incineration of lead batteries.他们正在禁止焚毁铅电池。The authorities are dragging their feet over banning cigarette advertising.当局在禁止香烟广告一事上迟迟不采取行动。We should follow their lead in banning chemical weapons.我们应该效仿他们的做法,禁止化学武器。We would have to give serious consideration to banning it altogether.如果要全面禁止的话,我们必须作出认真的考虑。




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