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词汇 gravy
例句 He added a little more water to thin the gravy.他又加了些水来稀释肉汤。Add some wine to the gravy.请在肉汁里加点酒。He piled on the gravy.他加了很多肉汁。Only in Hollywood could a meatball make so much gravy.只有在好莱坞笨蛋才能轻易赚到这么多钱。Their gravy train ended when the government stopped funding the research project.当政府停止资助他们的研究计划时,他们的肥缺就丢了。There was a smear of gravy on his chin.他下巴上沾了些肉汁。The addition of flour will thicken gravy.加了面粉会使肉汁变稠。The bonus he received in addition to his salary was pure gravy.他得到的工资之外的奖金纯属意外收入。A large dog lapped up the gravy that had spilt on the floor.一条大狗舔着洒落在地上的肉汁。I always spatter my blouse with gravy when I eat.吃饭的时候,我总会把肉汁溅到衬衣上。The gravy began to congeal in the pan.肉汁在平底锅里开始变浓稠了。I used some cornstarch to thicken the gravy.我加了一些玉米淀粉给肉汁勾芡。Whisk the flour into the gravy until it is smooth.将面粉加入肉汁,搅拌均匀。Serve with roast or baked potatoes, gravy, and vegetables.和烤土豆、肉卤以及蔬菜一起上桌。I added flour to increase the gravy's thickness.我加了面粉来增加肉汁的浓稠度。The potatoes were smothered in gravy.土豆上面裹了一层厚厚的肉汁。He sopped up the gravy with some bread.他用一些面包吸干了肉汁。For a thicker gravy, add more flour.想要肉汁浓一点,就再加些面粉。He sopped up the gravy with pieces of bread.他用几片面包吸干了肉汁。She spooned the gravy onto her potatoes.她用勺子把肉汁浇在土豆上。Prepare the gravy mixture.将肉汁混合料调好。They're trying to get on board the gravy train.他们正在力图搞到轻松赚大钱的美差。Privatization is not always the gravy train that governments promise.私有化并不一定能像政府承诺的那样带来滚滚财源。She thickened the gravy with flour.她用粉把肉汁调稠。Andy will tell you that life on the magazine is often hectic, always interesting, but no gravy train.安迪会告诉你,在杂志社工作常常很忙乱,一直很有趣,但绝不能轻松挣钱。Bertie made a reach for the salt and upset the gravy boat.伯蒂伸手去拿盐,把调味酱盘打翻了。He cooked a turkey and made gravy from the drippings.他烤了只火鸡,并用火鸡油滴做成肉卤。He carved while I made the gravy.我做肉汁,他切肉。This gravy is lumpy.这肉汁中有结块。The gravy/sauce was too soupy.肉汁/调味汁太稀了。She strained the gravy. = She strained the lumps out of the gravy.她过滤了肉汁。She transferred the gravy into a gravy boat.她把肉汁倒入船形卤汁盘。She enriched the gravy with a little flour browned in butter.她用一些在黄油中炒过的面粉给肉汁调味。I thickened the gravy with flour.我加了面粉使肉汁更浓稠。The potatoes were swimming in butter/gravy.土豆浸在黄油/肉汁里。We were disgusted when bosses awarded themselves a massive pay rise. How can they get on the gravy train, but ask us to take a wage freeze?看到老板为自己大幅加薪,我们感到十分气愤。他们凭什么轻轻松松捞油水却要求我们不涨工资?




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