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词汇 委员
例句 She was co-opted on to the committee.她被增选为新委员He was appointed to the advisory committee last month.他上个月获任顾问委员委员It's a typical local authority with cumbersome committee procedures.这是典型的有着各种繁杂委员会程序的地方政府。I talked to some of the people on the committee.我跟几位委员谈了话。Councillors were jeered and heckled as they emerged from the meeting.政务会委员们走出会场时遭到了嘲笑和起哄。He sits on the committee.他担任委员会的委员Half the committee walked out on the chairman while he was still speaking.当主席还在讲话时,委员会的一半委员离开他退出了会场。He sits on the Senate Finance Committee.他是参议院财政委员会的委员Members of the council are elected annually.政务委员委员每年选举一次。Councillors walked out of the meeting in protest.政务会委员退出会场以示抗议。Senator Smith worked on the other committee members to vote for the bill.参议员史密斯游说其他委员投票赞成这项提案。There are members of both sexes in the committee.委员会里男女委员都有。A day has been set aside to bring all councillors up to speed on the proposal.已经确定了一个日子,届时将向所有的市政委员汇报有关该建议的最新进展情况。She was nominated to the legislative council.她被任命为立法委员委员Two members of the committee were not in evidence.委员会有两名委员没有露面。The report was obviously designed for the consumption of members of the War Committee.该报告显然是为战争委员会的委员们撰写的。She ran uncontested for class treasurer.只有她一人竞选班上的财务委员The scholarship committee will give preference to students from disadvantaged backgrounds.奖学金评定委员将优先考虑那些来自贫困家庭的学生。Local councillors are spoiling for a fight over plans to close two village schools.当地市政委员们一心想就关闭两所乡村学校的计划进行争论。Councillors have been spending as if there is no tomorrow.市政委员们一直在不计后果地拼命花钱。Silence! Will you please let the honourable Member finish what he is saying.安静!请大家让尊敬的委员把话讲完。He is on the finance committee.他是财政委员会的委员She began her political career as a city councillor.她以市政委员的身份开始了自己的政治生涯。She serves on several committees.她担任好几个委员会的委员The commissioners had exclusive jurisdiction to decide.委员们拥有专属管辖权进行裁决。Councillors say plastic-framed windows lower the tone of the neighbourhood.市政会委员说塑料框架的窗户让这个社区掉份儿了。Some members of the Committee seem to have been bribed.委员会的某些委员似乎受了贿。He was asked to sit on numerous committees.他受邀担任过许多委员会的委员She's served on innumerable committees.她担任过无数委员会的委员She is on the town's planning/zoning board.她是镇规划委员委员The committee members divided on the new proposal.委员们对这新提议有意见分歧。The rest of the committee could not accept the veto.委员会其他委员无法接受这一否决。Marcus has the rest of the committee wrapped around his little finger.其他的委员都对马库斯言听计从。Members of the government have compromised themselves by co-operating with the emergency committee.政府成员因与紧急状态委员会合作而受到连累。She wrote to every member of the committee.她给委员会的每一位委员都写了信。They both sat on the management committee.他们两个都担任管理委员会的委员He is a senior member of the committee.他是委员会中的资深委员The members of the committee were long in reaching a decision.委员们拖了好久才作出决定。The committee buzzed its indignation.委员们异口同声表示愤慨。Every council member voted against the proposal.每个市政会委员都对该提案投了反对票。




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