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词汇 妇女
例句 Women and children leaned from the windows of the surrounding tenements.妇女和孩子们从周围房屋的窗口探出身来。The two women were hacked to pieces by their attackers.两名妇女遭袭击者碎尸。There was a fierce struggle for women's suffrage in Britain early this century.本世纪初期,英国的妇女为了得到选举权进行了激烈的斗争。There is a move towards greater equality for women in the workplace.在工作场所,妇女的地位正变得越来越平等。In her view, women's full participation in the labor market is a necessary condition of equality.在她看来,妇女全面投入劳动力市场是实现平等的必要条件。Women who smoke risk giving birth to underweight babies.抽烟的妇女有可能会生下体重不足的婴儿。Many women tend to internalize their anxiety and distress.妇女常常将所有的焦虑和苦恼都深藏心底。There are many possible causes of infertility in women.妇女不孕有很多可能的原因。She blazed a trail for other women in politics.她开辟了妇女从政的先河。The magazine has been criticized for the way it portrays women.这本杂志因对妇女妄加评论而受到抨击。Some of the women blamed their husbands’ violence on drinking.一些妇女把丈夫的暴力行为归咎于酗酒。A high proportion of women with children under five work full-time.很大一部分有孩子不到五岁的妇女在做全职工作。Fatigue is a particular problem for women.疲劳对于妇女来说尤其是个问题。What justification can there be for paying women lower wages?妇女付较低的工资,这有什么理由?I speak on behalf of many thousands of women.我代表数千名妇女讲话。Women who undergo the procedure may be unable to breastfeed.接受该手术的妇女可能无法用母乳喂养孩子。The woman complained that she had been molested in the park.妇女抱怨在公园里遭到了性骚扰。The decision will result in the interment of the women's program.这项决议结果将把妇女工作计划葬送掉。The audience consisted mostly of women.观众多数是妇女Women in such societies are effectively excluded from public affairs.这类社会中的妇女实际上被排斥在公共事务之外。The composition of breast milk is only minutely affected by what a woman eats.母乳成分受哺乳妇女饮食的影响微乎其微。The woman is in labor.这位妇女在分娩。Only a few of the women still weave.只有很少的妇女还在编织。They have some quaint notions about how women should behave.他们对于妇女行为举止的观念有些已经过时了。How many judges in our male-dominated courts are sensitized to women's issues?在男性占主导地位的法庭上,有多少法官对妇女问题是比较敏感的呢?He is criminally insane, unable to stop himself from attacking women.他是个精神失常的罪犯,控制不住袭击妇女的行为。Women need to dress modestly but are not obliged to shroud themselves in a veil.妇女需衣着端庄,但不必罩上面纱。It was wholesale slaughter of women and children.那是对妇女和儿童的大规模屠杀。Many African women, for reasons of poverty, get caught up in the drug trade.许多非洲妇女为贫穷所迫堕入贩毒行业。The way in which women dress seems no longer to correlate with their sexual designs.妇女的穿衣打扮方式似乎不再与她们的性别特征有关。Many women go off coffee and alcohol during pregnancy.许多妇女在怀孕期间不再爱喝咖啡和酒。What advice do you have for a woman in my spot?你对处在我这种境地的妇女有什么指教?She was at that time challenging for the lead in the Women's Club.她那时正在竞选,争当妇女俱乐部的领导。She believes the research understates the amount of discrimination women suffer.她认为该研究对妇女所遭受的歧视轻描淡写。Many women go on to the pill after they have had one child.许多妇女生了一胎后服用避孕药。Welfare workers were sternly rebuked by the court for ignoring the woman's plea for help.福利工作者因忽视这位妇女的求助而受到法庭的严厉指责。The women have to carry water from the well to the village.妇女必须从井里打水挑到村子里。Some of the younger women complained that he'd been taking liberties with them.一些年轻一点的妇女抱怨说他对她们过分亲热。Women tended to be relegated to typing and filing jobs.妇女总是被安排去做打字、归档等较不重要的工作。Postural changes and weight gain cause some women to experience musculoskeletal pain during pregnancy.姿态变化和体重增加可能在一些妇女身上造成肌肉骨骼疼痛。




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