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词汇 如今
例句 Most people associate troglodytes with prehistoric times, but troglodyte communities still exist in Tunisia and China.大多数人一说到穴居人就会想到史前时期,但是在突尼斯和中国如今仍然存在窑洞居民点。No doubt his old mother would now swallow her pride and go and live with Gladys.如今无疑他的老母亲只能放下身价,去和格拉迪斯住在一起。All you see on TV is sex and violence these days.如今的电视上充斥着性和暴力。Mobile phones are everywhere these days.如今手机随处可见。She calls Lapidus' work a precursor to today's postmodern movement.她把拉皮德斯的作品称作如今后现代运动的先驱样本。It's not uncommon nowadays for women to earn more than their husbands.如今妻子挣得比丈夫多已是屡见不鲜了。You can put a bet on almost anything these days.如今你几乎可以对任何东西下赌注。This building, once derided by critics, is now a major tourist attraction.这座曾被评论家嘲笑的建筑如今已成为一处主要的旅游景点。Today, the once-grand streets are characterized by decaying HMOs, sorely in need not just of redecoration but more fundamental repair.如今,在曾经富丽堂皇的街道上,破烂的合租房却成了其最大特征,这些房子亟需的不仅是简单的再装修,而是根本性的修建。If marriage is to succeed nowadays, then people have to recognize the new pressures it is facing.如今人们要想婚姻美满,就不得不认识到婚姻所面临的新压力。Once upon a time people knew the difference between right and wrong, but nowadays nobody seems to care.从前,人们还知道是非曲直,可是如今似乎没人在乎这些了。There are no secure jobs these days.如今已经没有稳固的工作了。The little business she started by herself has now become a mammoth in the industry.当年她自己创办的小公司如今成了业内巨头。News travels fast these days.如今消息传播得很快。We now have a Europe without internal borders.我们如今拥有一个内部没有边界的欧洲。She now had to finally forget the dreams and delusions of her youth如今,她终于不得不抛却年轻时的梦想与狂想。Art theft is now part of organised crime.盗窃艺术品如今成为一种有组织的犯罪活动。It's almost as easy these days to give your rooms a new coat of paint as it is to spring-clean them.如今,重新粉刷一下房间就像彻底打扫一次房间一样简单。There are a lot of weird ideas floating around at the moment.如今人们有很多奇怪的想法。Coffee shops are ubiquitous these days.如今好像到处都是咖啡馆。Paris nowadays is a busy and crowded metropolis.巴黎如今是一个繁忙而拥挤的大都市。It's hard these days to make a living from the soil.如今很难以务农为生。The greatest damage being done to our planet today is that being done by humans.如今对我们星球的最大破坏来自于我们人类。With today's more efficient contraception women can plan their families and careers.如今有了更加有效的避孕方法,女性便可以规划她们的家庭和事业。Most of today's teachers are committed to multicultural education.如今大多数教师都投身于多元文化教育。Many Christians today feel the need to relate their experience to that of the Hindu, the Buddhist and the Muslim.如今,许多基督徒感到有必要把自身的体验与印度教徒、佛教徒和伊斯兰教徒的体验相联系。Today television networks face increasing competition from cable programming.如今,电视广播公司面临着有线节目与日俱增的挑战。Organizations today just can't afford to lose productivity.如今各组织机构都不敢失去生产力。We don't use many chemicals on our farm these days.我们农场如今不大量使用化学品了。The fields where we played are all built up now.曾经是我们玩耍场所的田野如今都已盖满了房子。The protests are today seen as a prelude to the uprising against Ceausescu.这些抗议如今被视为那场反对齐奥塞斯库的暴动的序幕。Politicians these days are packaged to appeal to a mass market.如今的政客们都进行了包装以吸引大众。There is quite a lot of dross on TV these days.如今有很多劣质节目充斥着荧屏。The way children speak to their parents nowadays is disgraceful.如今的孩子对父母说话的态度太不像话了。Tennis players start at a more tender age these days.如今网球选手比以前更早开始打网球。Players today know how to condition themselves.如今的运动员知道如何使自己处于良好的竞技状态。The fact that these scandals are now public is testament to the relative openness of America's government.这些丑闻如今公之于众的事实说明了美国政府的相对透明。Young folk these days don't know the meaning of work.如今的年轻人不懂得工作的意义。The average cardholder today carries three to four bank cards.如今的持卡族平均每人有三四张卡。Fish-and-chip shops are a shadow of their former numbers.出售炸鱼加薯条的小吃店如今已所剩无几了。




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