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Every piece of timber was planed, cut to size and stained with cedar preservative.每根木材都被刨平了,切割成一定尺寸,并涂上了雪松防腐剂。You can breathe the incense of salt, cedar and seaweed on the beach.在海滩上你可以呼吸到海盐、雪松和海藻的香味。A flight of green parrots shot out of the cedar forest.一群绿鹦鹉从杉木林里疾速飞出。She struck the snow from the branches of an old cedar with gray lichen.她把长有灰色地衣的老雪松树枝上的雪打了下来。The ground was rocky, so we smoothed out the path with cedar chips.地面不平整,于是我们用雪松木屑把小道垫平。These types of wood splinter more easily than redwood or cedar.这几种木料比红杉和雪松木更容易裂。The yacht is built of cedar strip planking.游艇是用雪松木条建造的。 |