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词汇 奇怪的是
例句 It is odd that I cannot remember Mary's address.奇怪的是我竟然记不得玛丽的地址。The funny thing is, when they went back it had gone.奇怪的是他们回去时那东西已经不见了。Five cars crashed into each other, but amazingly no-one was hurt.五辆汽车相撞,但奇怪的是竟然没有人受伤。Bizarrely, death is not a disqualification for voting although non-attendance at party meetings is.奇怪的是,死亡不会让人失去投票资格,但是不参加政党会议却会让人失去投票资格。Strangely, no one believed us when we told them we'd been visited by a creature from Mars.奇怪的是,当我们告诉他们曾有火星人来访时,居然没人相信。He felt curiously detached from what was going on.奇怪的是,他对于正在发生的事情感到超然物外。He seemed to know lots of things about me, but the strange thing is I didn't even tell him my name.他好像对我了解很多,但奇怪的是,我甚至连名字都没有告诉过他。The strange thing is that nobody saw him enter or leave the building.奇怪的是,没人看见他进出这栋楼。Strangely enough, you will automatically wake up after this length of time.奇怪的是,过了这样一段时间你就会自己醒来。The funny thing is, I really enjoyed it, even though I hadn't expected to.奇怪的是,我还真的玩得很开心,尽管这是我没有料到的。Bizarrely, the survey reveals that six out of ten adults believe in aliens.奇怪的是,调查表明六成的成年人相信有外星人存在。Bizarrely, death is not a disqualification for voting although nonattendance at party meetings is.奇怪的是,人若是死亡不会失去投票资格,但是不参加政党会议的话投票资格就会被取消。Curiously enough, that very same thought occurred to me when I heard about the incident.奇怪的是,听说这件事时,我的脑海中出现了一模一样的想法。It's a wonder no one got hurt.奇怪的是没有一个人受伤。Al was surprisingly downbeat about the party.奇怪的是,阿尔对那次聚会一点也不热心。He's lived in France for years, but strangely enough he can't speak a word of French.他在法国住过多年,但奇怪的是他连一个法语词也不会讲。It's very strange that you haven't heard from him.奇怪的是你没有收到他的信。They strangely perceive television as entertainment.奇怪的是,他们居然将电视看作娱乐。The odd thing was that I didn't feel bad about it.奇怪的是我没觉得这有什么不好。In a strange way, his affair caused our relationship to strengthen.奇怪的是,他的婚外恋倒使得我们之间的关系更加紧密了。I have an uncanny ability to pick the wrong man.奇怪的是,我总能挑错人。Strangely, neither Carlo nor Juan saw what happened.奇怪的是,卡洛和胡安都没有看到发生了什么。It's strange the way things seem to happen for a reason.令人奇怪的是,似乎一切都事出有因。Surprising as it might seem, some tourists actually enjoy the British weather.也许让人奇怪的是,有些游客竟然喜欢英国的天气。Strangely enough, I didn't feel at all nervous when I faced the audience.奇怪的是,我面对听众时一点也不感到紧张。It was cold and rainy, but oddly enough, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.天气寒冷且有雨,但奇怪的是,好像人人都玩得很开心。She's lived in Spain for more than 10 years, but strangely enough she can't speak a word of Spanish.她在西班牙已住了十多年,但奇怪的是她西班牙语一句也不会讲。It seems peculiar that he would leave town and not tell anybody.奇怪的是他会不辞而别离开城里。You find that strangely familiar smells trigger memories of childhood.奇怪的是,你会发现熟悉的味道会勾起人们对童年的回忆。He now played with a passion that had been strangely absent from his previous performance.他现在满怀激情地演出,奇怪的是,以前演出时未见他有此激情。The weird thing is, nobody else noticed.奇怪的是,没有别的人注意到。Curiously, the struggle to survive has greatly improved her health.奇怪的是,她拼命求生的抗争使得她的健康状况大有好转。This negative attitude is surprisingly prevalent among young boys.奇怪的是,这种消极的态度在男孩子中很盛行。Remarkably, all of the passengers survived the crash.奇怪的是,这次事故中所有乘客都幸免于难。Strangely enough, when it came to the test I actually felt pretty relaxed.奇怪的是,考试来临了,我倒感到很放松了。Tony was unnerved by the uncanny familiarity of her face.奇怪的是,她看起来竟有些面熟,这让托尼心慌意乱。In some perverse way the ill-matched partners do actually need each other.奇怪的是,那些不相配的伴侣实际上却彼此需要。Even in remote areas people open restaurants, and surprisingly enough, they succeed.就是在最偏远的地区也有人开餐馆,奇怪的是这些餐馆生意很好。The crowd fell strangely silent.奇怪的是人群静了下来。Disconcertingly, I found I rather liked him.奇怪的是,我觉得自己很喜欢他。




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