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词汇 cautious
例句 He's extremely cautious when it comes to money management. 在理财方面,他非常谨慎。UN officials are expressing cautious optimism that the latest ceasefire is holding.联合国官员对于最近的停火协定是否有效持谨慎的乐观态度。Older people either have less spending money or are more innately cautious.老年人要么零用钱少,要么就是生性花钱谨慎。The company sees no necessity for a more cautious approach to investment.公司认为没有必要采取更加谨慎的投资方式。Employers may become overly cautious about taking on new staff.雇主在雇用新员工的问题上可能会变得过于谨慎。If we're too cautious, we might lose a good business opportunity.如果我们过于谨慎就会错失商机。I've always been cautious about giving people my phone number.我一直很谨慎,不轻易把自己的电话号码给别人。Karlov was a cautious and ingenious operator.卡尔洛夫是位谨慎而又心灵手巧的操作员。The cat made a cautious approach.这只猫小心翼翼地靠近。Although the troubles in the financial markets have made him cautious, Reid said they haven't discouraged him.里德说,尽管金融市场的风波令他小心谨慎,但还没有让他灰心。Keller is cautious about making predictions for the success of the program.凯勒对该计划是否能够成功作出谨慎的预测。Being a prudent and cautious person, you realise that the problem must be resolved.慎重小心的人都会意识到这个问题非解决不可。His critics write him off as too cautious to succeed.批评他的人不把他当回事,认为他太过谨慎,不能成事。Are you cautious and reserved, or adventurous and uninhibited?你是谨慎寡言的人,还是敢作敢为、放任不羁的人?We need to be cautious now. This is no time for heroics.现在我们需要谨慎,这不是逞能的时候。The policy was rejected in favour of a more cautious approach.这项政策未被采纳,取而代之的是一项较为谨慎的策略。The president became more cautious as his popularity dipped.由于支持率有所下降,总统变得更加谨慎了。A degree of cautious optimism is justified.表现出一定程度的谨慎乐观是合乎情理的。Although she comes across as impulsive, Harper is actually very cautious and indecisive.尽管哈珀给人的印象是很冲动的,她实际上十分小心、优柔寡断。Perhaps a more cautious approach would bring better results.更谨慎一些的方法也许会带来更好的结果。Australia, put in to bat, made a cautious start.轮到澳大利亚队出场击球,他们开始打得很谨慎。Investors are playing it cautious.投资者们正采取谨慎策略。American analysts have been somewhat cautious in estimating the size of the B2B market.美国分析师在估计公司对公司业务市场大小时略显谨慎。In dealing with the problem he was cautious to an extreme.他在处理这个问题时谨慎得过分了。The deputy leader is cautious about loosening the links with the unions.二把手对疏远与工会之间关系一事态度谨慎。You cannot be overly/too cautious when you're driving in snow.雪天开车再小心也不为过。He was cautious of his footing, wary of the edge.他小心翼翼地站在边缘。Several governments have expressed the need for a cautious approach to the conflict.几国政府都表示需要审慎处理这一冲突。She is rather cautious in outlook.她的观点很谨慎。Most of us reacted to the news with cautious/guarded optimism. 我们大多数人对这条新闻都持谨慎乐观的态度。The more cautious approach won out in the end.更谨慎的办法最后胜出。He answered the question with a cautious reply.他谨慎地回答了这个问题。I'd decided to be cautious, leaving all options open.我决定采取谨慎态度,对所有可供选择的可能暂不作决定。You should be cautious when getting involved and test the water before committing yourself.参与其中时一定要小心谨慎,表态之前最好试探一下。Donaldson's remarks were greeted with cautious enthusiasm.唐纳森的言论引起的是谨慎的热情态度。The scientists are cautious about the wider significance of their findings.科学家对于将研究结果延伸至更广泛的领域持谨慎态度。He has been seen as a champion of a more cautious approach to economic reform.人们一直将他视为主张更为谨慎的经济改革措施的提倡者。Investors are playing it cautious, and they're playing it smart.投资者审慎精明地行事。The U.S. is rightly cautious about becoming involved.美国对介入持谨慎态度是有充分的理由的。The old lady is very cautious with money.那位老太太用钱很谨慎。




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