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词汇 失业者
例句 Many white-collar workers, like stockbrokers and investment bankers, find themselves in the unemployment line.许多白领,如股票经纪人和投资银行家,发现自己身处失业者行列。The government is not doing enough to help the unemployed.政府没有尽力帮助失业者It's often difficult for people who are in work to appreciate the problems of the unemployed.在职的人往往难以体会到失业者的苦恼。A new initiative to help the unemployed is about to be unveiled.扶持失业者的新计划即将出台。The council has been running training schemes for the jobless.政务委员会一直在实施针对失业者的培训计划。A job placement program exists to help those who are unemployed.就业安置计划是为了帮助那些失业者Worry and lack of money cramp the lives of the unemployed.焦虑和缺钱束缚着失业者的生活。Her remarks showed a lack of sensitivity to the problems of the unemployed.她的话表明她对于失业者面临的种种问题无动于衷。The party's policies were popular among the unemployed.该党的政策很受失业者的欢迎。The unemployed need jobs, not government handouts!失业者需要工作,而不是政府的施舍!Most of the unemployed are not work-shy and genuinely do want jobs.大多数失业者并非懒惰,而是确实想要份工作。There was a lack of sensitivity to the problems of the unemployed.人们对于失业者的问题缺乏体谅。He just wants to draw attention to the plight of the unemployed.他仅仅是想引起人们对失业者困境的关注。People who lose their jobs are suffering the penalties for longer periods.失业者遭受的痛苦时间更长。The unemployed stood at street corners, dejected.失业者纷纷沮丧地站在街角。At any period of history it is the unemployed who find life to be a bed of thorns.在任何历史阶段,总是失业者才感受到生活的艰辛难熬。We want to create jobs for the unemployed.我们想为失业者创造就业岗位。He soon joined the ranks of the unemployed.他很快便加入了失业者的行列。The unemployed are often unfairly labelled as lazy or unreliable.失业者常被说成是懒惰或不可信赖的人。The committee's final report, just published, pours cold water on government proposals for helping the unemployed.委员会刚刚发表的年终报告,给政府对援助失业者的提议泼了一盆冷水。The unemployed are not a homogeneous group.失业者不能一概而论。For the unemployed, temporary jobs can be a useful stepping stone.对于失业者来说,临时工作可能是块有用的铺路石。Times are hard for the unemployed.失业者的日子很难熬。The president has ordered a speed-up of aid for the unemployed.总统已下令加快对失业者实行救助。The government has launched a programme to help unemployed young people find work.政府已经开始实施一个帮助年轻的失业者找工作的计划。Of course I care about the homeless and the unemployed, but what can I do?我当然关心无家可归者和失业者,可我能做些什么呢?Many unemployed people have fallen into the poverty trap.很多失业者都掉入了贫困陷阱。The unemployed are cushioned by social-security benefits.失业者受社会保险津贴的救助。The government ought to create more jobs for unemployed people.政府应该为失业者开拓更多的工作。The unemployed are often labelled as lazy or unreliable.失业者常常被说成懒惰或不可靠。More unemployed people are joining the dole queue each week.每周都有越来越多的失业者加入领取救济金的行列。




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