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词汇 太长
例句 I hope this meeting doesn't run on too long.我希望这个会不要开得太长Don't lie in the sun for too long.不要在日光下躺太长时间。Some of the descriptions are a bit long and should be cut.有些描述太长,应该删掉。A leg too long, or some other disproportion.一条腿太长或别的什么部位不匀称。He delayed too long, and now it's too late.他耽搁的时间太长了,现在为时已晚。I think she's shielded her child from the real world for too long.我认为她已太长时间不让孩子接触真实世界了。The water was too frigid to allow him to remain submerged for long.水冰冷彻骨,他在下面呆不了太长时间。He was wearing trousers that looked miles too long.他穿着看起来实在太长的裤子。I won't keep you long.我不会耽误你太长时间。He's my old man and I love him to bits but I can't spend too much time with him.他是我老爸,我很爱他,可是不能跟在一起时间太长You can add extra items ad-lib, but beware of making the programme too long.你可以随意添加额外的项目,但要注意别把节目弄得太长The talk was all right in itself but it went on too long.讲话本身还可以,就是太长了点。The introduction's too long. Can you try and cut it down?引言太长了,你能否试试作一些删略?He's a restless type - he never stays in one country for long.他是那种呆不住的人——他从来不在一个国家呆太长的时间。The play was good, but it was a little too long.这出戏是不错,但太长了点儿。I got a crick in my neck from looking up at the stars too long.我仰头看星星的时间太长了,脖子都疼了。The movie/meeting was overlong.这部电影/这次会议太长了。She whispered to her neighbour that she thought the play was too long.她对邻座的人轻声说她觉得这出戏太长了。He maintained that the software update should not take long to download.他曾坚称软件更新不宜占用太长下载时间。I don't like meetings, especially if they go on for too long.我不喜欢开会,尤其是时间太长的会议。It's a good essay, but rather long.这是一篇好论文,就是太长Ordering the meal took an inordinately long time.点餐花去了太长的时间。Don't cook vegetables for too long - they'll lose all their goodness.烹饪蔬菜时间不要太长——这会使菜里的所有营养成分都被破坏掉。I waited an inordinate amount of time.我等待的时间太长了。This belt's too big - I'll have to punch an extra hole in it.这条皮带太长了——我得在上面再打一个洞。The sleeves are too long for me.对我来说,这袖子太长了。The film didn't live up to our expectations. It was too long and the acting was appalling.这部电影有负众望,时间太长,演得又差。I'd left it all too late in the day to get anywhere with these strategies.我按兵不动时间太长,致使这些策略都不管用了。The movie had to be cut because it was too long.这部电影太长,必须删减。We've shared an office for too long and we're sick of the sight of each other.我们在一个办公室里工作时间太长了,彼此一见面就感到厌烦。The article was just too long, so I had to score out twenty words.文章实在太长了,所以我只好划掉二十个字。The last song on the album is brilliantly performed but overlong.这张唱片的最后一首歌非常精彩,可是太长了。I hope we can move things along without too much delay.我希望我们能够进展顺利,不要延误太长时间。They were too long in the crotch.裤裆太长了。He wore his hair too long.他头发留得太长了。If the list is too long, it will be truncated by the computer.如果列表太长,计算机会将其截短。Colin spends an inordinate length of time in the bathroom.科林花在盥洗室里的时间太长了。They complained about the inordinate length of time they had to wait.他们抱怨等的时间太长The conversation was running on a bit too long.谈话拖得有点儿太长了。The meeting won't take too much time. 这次会议不会占用太长的时间。




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