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词汇 太糟糕
例句 His party manners were terrible.他在聚会上的举止太糟糕了。Three families living in one room - it's a disgrace!三家人住在一间房里——太糟糕了!Sometimes the original abortion was done so badly that the uterus prolapsed.有时第一次流产手术做得太糟糕,会导致子宫脱垂。She bore no ill will. If people didn't like her, too bad.她没有恶意。如果人们不喜欢她,那就太糟糕了。It's too bad you have to leave, just when we need you most.真是太糟糕了,就在我们最需要你的时候你却要走了。Some people have really bad taste in clothes.有些人在衣着方面的品位实在太糟糕It was a horrible thing to happen.发生这样的事情太糟糕了。The wine was so bad I just poured it away.那酒太糟糕,我索性把它都倒掉了。The hotel we stayed in was the pits!我们住的宾馆实在太糟糕了!It's a terrible situation and we should right it as soon as possible.这种局面太糟糕了,我们应当尽快使其恢复正常。He sang so badly that the audience booed him.他唱得实在太糟糕以致听众向他喝倒彩。It was a bad business-he couldn't work for months.那次太糟糕了,他几个月都不能工作。The acoustics in the hall were terrible.这礼堂的音响效果太糟糕了。It's a good pub, but the bogs are terrible!那个小酒馆不错,不过那里的厕所太糟糕了!The joke was funny, but his delivery was terrible.这笑话本身很有趣,但他讲得太糟糕了。His spelling is terrible! For instance, look at this word!他的拼写太糟糕了!比如就看看这个词吧! The software crashes every time I open an email. What a fail.每次我一打开邮件这个软件就停止运行。太糟糕了!I have to say that the standard of play was abysmal.我得承认比赛中表现出的水准太糟糕了。The weather's not too bad here.这里的天气还不算太糟糕Sometimes the original abortion was done so badly that the uterus prolapsed.有时第一次流产手术做得太糟糕,会导致子宫下垂。I hate to be a wet blanket, but I thought the show was terrible.我不想泼冷水,可是我觉得这场演出太糟糕了。




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