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词汇 太不像话
例句 It's scandalous that you still haven't been paid.你还没有拿到薪资这太不像话了。Tom has become so naughty recently — he was really too much yesterday.汤姆近来非常顽皮,昨天他实在太不像话了。The way children speak to their parents nowadays is disgraceful.如今的孩子对父母说话的态度太不像话了。And she didn't invite him? That was a bit mean!她没有邀请他吗?这太不像话了!That's disgusting! Such bigoted behaviour is completely unacceptable.太不像话了!这种偏执的行为是完全不能接受的。It is a shame that they were cheated.他们竟受了骗,真是太不像话了。It's disgusting that they charge so much.他们收费这么高,真是太不像话了。It's diabolic, the way the prices keep going up.物价这样涨了又涨,真是太不像话了。What an awful thing to say!说这种话,太不像话了!It's outrageous, and we won't stand for it any more.太不像话了,我们再也不能容忍下去了。It must be really bad, for her to ignore a summons from her mistress!她居然不听女主人的使唤,实在是太不像话了!It's a disgrace that the only hospital in the town has been closed.镇里唯一一家医院也关了门,太不像话了。That does it! I will not tolerate that kind of behaviour in this class.太不像话了!我不能容忍班里出现这样的行为。It's monstrous that he should be ungrateful for all the help his friends have given him.他对朋友们的一切帮助竟然忘恩负义,这太不像话了。It's a crying shame the way they've treated him!他们那样对待他太不像话了!Your attitude is absolutely appalling.你的态度太不像话了。It is a disgrace that such talent should go unrecognized.这样的才干得不到承认真是太不像话了。What an awful thing to say about your mother!这么说你母亲太不像话了!They've cut down all those beautiful trees. It's a terrible shame.他们把那些漂亮的树都砍光了,太不像话了。I can't get over the way he behaved at your party - it was appalling!他在你聚会上的行为很让我震惊——真是太不像话了!They've got to do something about these children because clearly they've gone off the rails.他们必须得管管这些孩子了,因为他们实在太不像话了。




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