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The painting was sold for an astronomical price.这幅画以天价出售。They charge exorbitant prices for their goods.他们给自己的商品开出了天价。Houses in the village are selling for astronomical sums.这个村子里的房屋正以天价出售。Clothes with designer labels sell for ridiculous prices nowadays.如今挂有设计师标签的服装都是天价。They charge the earth just for a cup of coffee.一杯咖啡他们就能要个天价。I can't afford this outrageous price.我出不起这么骇人的天价。She objects to the inflated salaries that many professional athletes now receive.她反对现在许多职业运动员拿天价薪酬。He joined the team two years ago for a record sum.两年前他以创纪录的天价加盟该队。 |