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词汇 a few years ago
例句 I loved that album when I bought it a few years ago but it sounds really dated today.几年前我买下这张专辑时是很喜欢它的,但是如今听起来很过时了。The London Evening Standard moved offices a few years ago.《伦敦标准晚报》报址几年前迁走了。Computers now allow us to do things that were hardly imaginable only a few years ago.现在,计算机让我们能做就在几年前还难以想象的事。Just a few years ago, Tanya was homeless and begging for money in front of the supermarket.就在几年之前,塔妮娅还是无家可归,在超级市场门前向人要钱。The college opened its doors to black students a few years ago.那所大学几年前开始招收黑人学生。The company has grown in absolute terms, but its share of the market is actually less than it was a few years ago.按绝对价值计算这家公司已经发展了,但与数年前相比,公司的市场份额实际上下降了。Chain belts were the thing a few years ago.链式腰带在几年前是很流行的。His elder son was killed in a car crash a few years ago.他的长子几年前死于车祸。He had taken the photo a few years ago.他在几年前拍了这张照片。Her confidence was badly shaken when she was involved in a car accident a few years ago.几年前,她卷入一场车祸,她的自信受到极大打击。The book appeared in print again a few years ago.这本书几年前再版过。They went to China a few years ago.他们几年前去过中国。She refereed for a periodical a few years ago.几年前她为一期刊担任编审。He dipped into medicine a few years ago.他在几年前曾涉猎过一阵医学。Her life was changed by a chance meeting with her former art master a few years ago.她的生活因几年前同她以前的美术老师的偶遇改变了。He visited Florida a few years ago looking at the potential of the area to stage a big match.他几年前去过佛罗里达,考察在当地举办一场大型比赛的可能性。Alina Reyes shot to fame a few years ago with her extraordinary first novel.阿林娜·雷耶斯几年前因她那部不同凡响的小说处女作而迅速成名。Our economy is faring far better than a few years ago.我国的经济情况比几年前好得多了。He made his first try for the brass ring when he ran for mayor a few years ago.几年前他为把握成功机遇进行了首次尝试,参加了市长竞选。They were given the franchise a few years ago.数年前他们获得选举权。This hotel was bombed a few years ago.这家旅馆几年前被炸毁了。I heard that he won a lot of money on the Superbowl a few years ago.我听说他几年之前在超级碗赛上赌赢了不少钱。The current economic situation is a mirror image of the situation just a few years ago.目前的经济形势完全是几年前情况的翻版。We sold the restaurant when we were strapped for cash a few years ago.前几年我们手头紧,就把餐厅卖了。He took a friend's life a few years ago.几年前他杀死了一位朋友。Until a few years ago, there was a taboo around the subject of divorce.直到几年前为止,离婚一直是个忌讳的话题。I heard her in concert a few years ago.几年前,我在音乐会上听过她唱歌。




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