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词汇 大方
例句 They can well afford to be generous.他们当然有条件大方She filled our glasses with a generous hand.大方地把我们的酒杯斟满。Cait freely admits that she's no good at anything except singing.凯特大方地承认自己除了唱歌其他都不行。She's a very kind and generous person.她是个很和蔼大方的人。She described her husband as a generous, caring man.她说她的丈夫是一个大方体贴的男人。If only they were as liberal with their cash.要是他们花钱也一样大方就好了。I've had an offer – a very generous offer, I might add.我得到一个报价,可以说是一个非常慷慨大方的报价。German banks are more generous in their lending.德国银行借贷时更大方She's become more outgoing since she went to college.她上大学之后变得大方多了。The dress is simple and elegant, but you could vamp it up for evening wear with some stunning jewellery.这条裙子简洁大方,不过你可以配上精美的首饰作晚装穿,会使人眼前一亮。Sally likes clothes that are simple but elegant.萨利喜欢朴素又大方的衣服。After the death of his stingy wife, Bill loosened up a great deal.比尔在吝啬的妻子死后用钱大方多了。My advice is to keep it simple – just buy a nice plain dress.我的建议是,别搞太复杂了,买一件朴素又大方的衣服就行。He was lavish with gifts for his wife.他给妻子买礼物十分大方He was known for his hospitality and generosity.大家都知道他好客大方You can spare us a whole five minutes of your time? Well, that's big of you!你总共就给我们五分钟时间?哼,你可真大方Douglas was a complex man, thoughtful, gallant, and generous.道格拉斯是个复杂的男人,体贴、殷勤又大方Waiters say that they can always tell if a customer is going to be a good tipper or not.服务生说他们总是可以一眼看出一个顾客是否会大方地给小费。He treated his friends with remarkable liberality.他对朋友特别慷慨大方A pair of jewelled earrings will liven up this dress without detracting from its simplicity.一对宝石耳环会让这件礼服更出彩而又不失简单大方It was generous of them to ask Anna along.他们邀请安娜一起去,真是大方The shy little girl has grown into a poised young woman.那个羞涩的小女孩已经长成了一位从容大方的年轻女子。You'd think that at least he'd have the good grace to admit his blinding, jammy luck.你可能会认为他起码应该大方地承认自己是撞上了好运。Barry's kind, caring and generous to a fault.巴里的友好、体贴和大方过了头。His generosity is proverbial.他的大方是众所周知的。She was always generous to the extreme.她总是大方过头。Jefferson was generous to a fault.杰弗逊大方过了头。They were exceedingly generous.他们非常慷慨大方Take pains to present a smart, efficient appearance, and to show that you are keen to progress in the company.尽力表现出大方能干的样子,并显出渴望在该公司得到发展。He was a warm, generous and kind-hearted man.他是个热情、大方、善良的人。The hostess greeted her guests with ease.女主人自然大方地迎接客人。Carol had shed her puppy fat and was now very elegant.卡萝尔已经不像小时候那样胖嘟嘟了,现在出落得优雅大方I was impressed by their friendliness, ease, and naturalness.我对他们的友善、从容和大方印象深刻。When he first joined the company he was very quiet but now he's come out of his shell a lot.他才进公司的时候非常文静,但是现在大方活跃多了。I gave her a card, but my brother went one better and bought her a present.我送了她一张贺卡,可我哥哥更大方,给她买了礼物。I have never seen the beat of him for elegance.我从未见到过举止比他更优雅大方的人。




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