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词汇 大型
例句 Fuel shortages spelled the doom of such huge gas-guzzling cars.燃油短缺宣告了这类耗油量大的大型轿车的末日。The poultry sale will feature large fowl, bantams, and waterfowl.家禽销售主打大型鸡、矮脚鸡和水禽。I got a catalogue from one of the big department stores.我拿到了一家大型百货店的商品目录。Several hundred people are expected at the hotel next month for a huge sales convention.估计有数百人参加下个月在这家酒店里举行的大型销售会议。There's a giant oil refinery right on their doorstep.他们家门口就有一家大型炼油厂。The new service will appeal to large and midsize companies.新的服务将吸引大型和中型企业。A large diesel tank mysteriously leaked its contents into the river.一个大型柴油罐的柴油莫名其妙地泄漏到河里去了。A large Roman settlement has been discovered just outside the French town.在这座法国城市郊外发现了一处大型古罗马人定居点。Massive subsidies and tax incentives were given to encourage the formation of giant industrial complexes.政府为促进建立大型工业园区而给予大量补贴和赋税优惠。Small shops are closing because of competition from the large chains.由于来自大型连锁店的竞争,小商店纷纷关门大吉。Local tradesmen are objecting to plans for a big new out-of-town shopping centre.当地的店主们反对在城郊新建大型购物中心的计划。This is a large truck which has equipment to automatically bottle the wine.这是一辆大型卡车,拥有自动将葡萄酒装瓶的设备。The funds came from a big philanthropy.这笔款子是由一个大型慈善性机构捐赠的。Jackson conceded that higher taxes on big cars would have a harmful effect on the UK's motor industry.杰克逊承认,对大型轿车征收较高的税可能会给英国的汽车工业带来不利影响。Are you having a big reception after the wedding?婚礼后你们要举行大型招待会吗?The launch is to be formally presented to trade partners in early summer.这艘大型汽艇将会在初夏正式交给贸易伙伴。There's a lot of competition between the big supermarket chains.大型连锁超级市场竞争激烈。They travelled in a fleet of monstrous vehicles.他们开着一队大型汽车旅行。The main body of the church had been turned into a massive television studio.该教堂的主体部分已被改造成了一个大型电视演播室。The hotel's size makes it ideal for large conferences.这家宾馆的规模对举办大型会议来说非常理想。She has sung soprano in many major operas.她在很多大型歌剧中唱过女高音。He got a job as a singer on a cruise ship.他在一艘大型游轮上找了个歌手的差事。The deal is expected to result in similar tie-ups between big media companies and telecommunications operators.这笔交易有望促使大型传媒公司和电信运营商结成类似的联营关系。The little prefabricated hut was lifted away by a huge crane.那间用预制板搭建的小棚屋被一辆大型起重机吊走了。The jumbo jet is due to fly the hostages directly back to London.大型喷气式客机将把人质直接送回伦敦。Facilities include a large indoor pool, jacuzzi and sauna.设施包括一个大型室内游泳池、按摩浴缸和桑拿房。Medicaid is a large federal health care program for the poor.医疗补助制度是一种帮助穷人的大型联邦保健计划。The deal is expected to result in similar tie-ups between big media companies and telecommunications operators.这笔交易可能促成大型传媒公司和电信运营商结成类似的联营关系。He likes music but has no heart for grand opera.他喜欢音乐,但并不爱好大型歌剧。Ships load up at the large jetty.船只在这个大型防波堤处装载货物。Bantam eggs may hatch a little earlier than large fowl eggs.矮脚鸡的蛋可能比大型鸡的蛋孵化得快一点。Downtown stores are looking for new ways to attract customers in the face of competition from the stores at the mall.面对大型购物中心内商店的竞争,市区商店正在寻找招揽顾客的新途径。The limousine carrying the ambassador swept through the gates.大使乘坐的大型豪华轿车稳稳地驶过大门。During a recent general strike, employees of all major trade unions abstained.在最近一次大型罢工期间,所有大型工会的成员都拒绝工作。This made its mini-computers incompatible with its mainframes.这就使得它的微型计算机与它的大型主机不兼容。There was a large but peaceful demonstration outside the US Embassy.美国大使馆外面有过一次大型和平示威。The company is beginning to attract investors, most notably big Japanese banks.这家公司开始吸引投资者,特别是日本大型金融会社。He was headhunted by a large electronics company.他被一家大型电子公司看中了。The students wanted to have a big party, but the powers that be didn't approve.学生们想开个大型派对,但当权者不批准。Tombs remain the most important monumental sculpture of this period.墓碑依然是这个时期最重要的大型雕刻物。




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