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The airport ground crew tried to dissuade the pilot from taking off.机场地勤人员试图阻止这位飞行员驾机起飞。The pilots dropped down to refuel and report.飞行员们驾机降落,加油并提出报告。I'm not allowed to fly visitors into the National Park area without permission.未经许可,我不能驾机把游客送进国家公园的范围内。The pilot instinctively maneuvered to avoid them.飞行员本能地驾机避开他们。Watch how carefully the pilot brings the plane down.注意看飞行员驾机降落时动作多么一丝不苟。The plane/pilot buzzed the people watching the show.飞机/飞行员驾机低空掠过观看表演的人群。 |