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词汇 大块头
例句 The second prisoner was a fat-faced beefy fellow who smelled of sweat.第二名囚犯是个胖脸大块头家伙,身上一股汗味。A large Texan redneck was shouting obscenities at Ali.一个大块头的得克萨斯州红脖子正对阿里骂着脏话。That boy is going to be a bruiser when he grows up!那个男孩长大后会是个大块头The owner of the stall, a large, thuggish man, grabbed Dai by the collar.小摊主是个凶巴巴的大块头,他一把揪住了戴的脖领。All other things being equal, the bigger fighter should win.同等条件下,大块头的拳手应该会赢。Some people are intimidated by his size, but in fact he's a gentle giant.有些人被他的大块头吓住了,实际上他很和善。The Secretary emerged, a big fat man who quickly shook us all by the hand.这位大臣现身了,是一个大块头,他迅速和我们所有人都握了手。You big disgusting mountain of flesh!你这个讨厌的大块头! Henry's a real hulk of a man.亨利真是个大块头He was a huge man, built like an oak tree.他是个大块头,结实得像棵橡树。He's a big stocky bloke and he plays rugby.他是个大块头,长得很敦实,喜欢打橄榄球。Her husband was a big man.她丈夫是个大块头He tensed as the big West Indian gripped his shoulder.那个大块头西印度群岛土著人抓住他的肩膀时,他浑身紧张起来。Two heavily built men pinned him against the wall.两个大块头的男人把他抵在墙上。Andrew describes her as a large, bony and masculine woman.安德鲁说她是一个瘦骨嶙峋、男人模样的大块头女人。Fancy lit into the huge man like a wild thing.方西像一头野兽一样向这个大块头男人发起猛烈攻击。I spent a very uncomfortable evening at the concert sandwiched between two very large ladies.听音乐会时,我被挤在两个大块头女士中间,整个晚上都很不舒服。He's a big guy.他是个大块头On the train I was sandwiched between two very large men.在火车上,我被两个大块头夹在中间。What! A big bloke like you, beaten by his wife! Pull the other one; it's got bells on.什么!你这么一个大块头居然被他的妻子打了!别逗了。He's very light on his feet for such a big person.对于像他这样的大块头来说,他的脚步算是轻盈了。He is very agile for a big man.他这么大块头,身手已算很敏捷了。The big Irishman was on the verge of losing his cool.这个大块头的爱尔兰人马上就要发火了。A large man shoved me out of the way.一个大块头把我推挤到了一边。




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