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词汇 大口地喝
例句 He dug heartily into the cocktail.他开始大口地喝鸡尾酒。The soldiers took it in turns to swig vodka.那些士兵轮流大口大口地喝伏特加酒。He drank greedily until his thirst was satiated.他大口大口地喝了个饱。Men were standing around, swilling beer and occasionally leering at passing females.男人们吊儿郎当地站着,大口大口地喝着啤酒,偶尔还对着路过的女性猥亵地笑。She drank the tea in great gulps.她大口大口地喝着茶。Melissa had guzzled gin and tonics like they were lemonade.梅利莎像喝柠檬汽水一样大口地喝着加奎宁水的杜松子酒。He drank greedily, taking huge gulps from the bottle.他拿着瓶子大口大口地喝着,十分贪婪。Jane drank thirstily.珍口渴大口大口地喝著水。The child nodded, drinking her milk thirstily.那个孩子边大口地喝着牛奶边点了点头。He was still hanging around, swigging the Coke out of the can.他还在闲逛,拿着一罐可乐大口大口地喝着。She had a quick glance at the newspaper as she gulped down her coffee.她一边浏览报纸一边大口地喝咖啡。




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