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The house was enlarged with a new wing.增建的厢房使房屋扩大了。A flat-roofed extension will add nothing to the value or appearance of the house.增建一个平顶房既不会使房子增值也不会使其更美观。Come along, your room is in the annex to the hotel.来,你的房间在旅馆的增建部分。The porch wasn't part of the original house but added later as an appendage.门庭不是原屋建筑的一部分,而是后来增建的。This part of the palace is little more than an afterthought.宫殿的这部分只是后来增建的。Some of us will be sleeping in the annexe.我们当中有些人要睡在增建的屋子里。We're planning to build on a conservatory.我们打算增建一个玻璃暖房。A new annex is being added to the hospital.那家医院在增建房屋。The college threw out a new wing for science studies.学院在教学大楼旁增建新侧楼供理科教学之用。The addition will be used as an annex to the library.增建部分将作为图书馆的附属建筑。 |