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词汇 培养
例句 Marshall was groomed to run the family companies.马歇尔在接手家族企业之前接受了培养Few traditional television companies are willing to nurture new talent.传统的电视公司很少愿意培养新的人才。The school prides itself on turning out students who can easily find jobs with local industries.培养出的学生可以很容易在本地企业找到工作,这所学校以此为荣。The school places a heavy emphasis on children's musical development.学校非常重视对孩子们音乐素质的培养Researchers incubated the cells in the laboratory.研究人员在实验室里培养细胞。We need to help young people develop a sense of responsibility while they're still at school.我们要在年轻人还在求学的时候就培养他们的责任感。You can train your mind to relax.你可以培养自我放松的能力。This college prepares boys to enter the army as officers.这所学院培养男青年入伍当军官。The point of this exercise is to train new teachers.这项训练目的在于培养新教师。Her new-found tolerance does not extend to single mothers.她近来培养出一颗包容之心,可是对单身母亲仍然谈不上宽容。On the course you will develop skills in business management.修读这门课程可以培养企业管理方面的技巧。It takes many years of training to be a doctor.要成为一名医生需要多年时间的培养We need to become critical text-readers.我们需要培养对文章的评判能力。The school has a reputation for producing top-class football players.该学校以培养出顶级的足球选手而闻名。It is important to nurture potential in your employees.培养雇员的潜力是很重要的。Her childhood passion for collecting has not dimmed, but now she is more discerning.她孩提时培养起的对收藏的痴迷丝毫未减,现在只是变得更有眼力了。Time must be given for the mother to bond with her baby.母婴之间必须通过时间来培养亲情。The Government has failed abysmally to improve the incentives for skill formation.政府在加强对技能培养的激励方面毫无建树。She was schooled in hiding her emotions.她被培养得对自己的情绪藏而不露。One should cultivate a sense of humour about one's importance.人们应该培养对自己重要性的幽默感。He read great literature to develop/cultivate his mind.他读名著以开发/培养自己的思维。Anyone who can raise three such normal kids in Hollywood must have their head screwed on right.谁能在好莱坞培养出三个这么正常的孩子来,一定是个聪明人。His research eventually led to the development of a vaccine.他的研究最终培养出了一种疫苗。The human organism learns partly by nature, partly by nurture.人类机体的学习能力部分是天生的,部分是后天培养的。Take up a relaxing hobby, such as knitting.培养一种能放松身心的爱好,比如编织。They were encouraging nationalistic sentiment among the students.他们鼓励学生培养民族主义情感。Some children come to school with more finely trained perceptual skills than others.一些孩子在入学时比其他孩子受过更好的感知技能培养This middle school is an incubator for university football players.这所中学是为大学培养足球运动员的场所。I'm training my replacement.我正在培养我的接班人。She had a very happy childhood, and I guess her confidence is a product of that.她的童年非常幸福,我想正是那段时光培养了她的自信。We are not in the business of creating graduates for whom there are no jobs.我们没有打算培养找不到工作的毕业生。His interest in writing came from a long correspondence with a close college friend.与一位大学密友的长期通信培养了他写作的兴趣。Gaining confidence is a major component of developing leadership skills.获得信任是培养领导才能的重要组成部分。Reading is a good way to develop a child's imagination at an early age.阅读是使孩子们的想象力在很小时就得到培养的好方法。To confirm the diagnosis, the hospital laboratory must culture a colony of bacteria.为了确诊,医院实验室必须培养一个菌落。He created an army of loyal customers.培养出一个忠诚的消费群体。Concerts foster interest in music.音乐会培养对音乐的兴趣。Most people believe he is being groomed for the party leadership.大多数人认为他正被培养成为该党领导人。Teachers have to bring on the bright children and at the same time give extra help to those who need it.教师必须在培养聪明孩子的同时,给予需要帮助的学生更多的关注。We have tried to instil good manners in our children from an early age.我们尝试在孩子幼小时就培养他们有礼貌。




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