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For all the brickbats it has received, it's a good plan.虽饱受批评,但它还是个不错的计划。The candidates resorted to hurling brickbats at one another.候选人采取了相互进行语言攻击的手段。The plan has drawn both brickbats and praise.对这个计划褒贬不一。The critic threw brickbats at that novelist.评论家对那位小说家提出尖锐的批评。Rather than brickbats, the bank deserves applause.该家银行应该得到称赞而非谴责。She responded angrily to the brickbats thrown at her.她愤怒地回应对她的攻击。He says he is used to brickbats because he has been in public life for so long.他说自己长久以来一直生活在公众的视线中,因此已经习惯了各种批评的声音。 |